38) Key to the Future

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Turns out, my nightmares were the least of my concerns. Considering I now live in one.

My mother's death had spread like wildfire this past week. Condolences and flat our sob fests were given to me throughout the week after my return. There was flat-out radio silence from Hank, which was enough to celebrate about in and of itself. Kingsley however, not so much.

Despite Theo's warning, he had approached me multiple times, looking as though he would say something but never following through with it. Whether it be from fear or pride, the action was much more than I expected of him.

Beyond that, I was utterly fucked grades-wise. I missed finals and would have to make them up all the way into next year. I missed a lot of the material, meaning I got to spend my holidays studying instead of relaxing or, I don't know, grieving.

I loved the American school system.

My bonding with Theo officially had made the pack beyond curious about my presence. Tradition had started catching up to us, and I was required to make an official appearance soon. Theo had protested this, and surprisingly even his father (for whatever reason). It was Lea who surprised us all by putting her foot down, insisting that if I hid too much longer, the Supernatural Circle would begin to catch wind.

Unfortunately, this was a moot point. Word had gotten out about my heritage, and this also piqued the interest of the Supernatural Circle. Theo had told me that our mating and my less-than-natural mating to Alosious would be a large focus point for them if they found out. Regardless of what they knew, they had already sent word that they had our eye on us.

Speaking of Alosious, he was still being held just floors below me. Theo worked long hours in the basement, sometimes taking shifts with Griffin and Levi. I was semi-impressed with Alosious' ability to resist torture. But then I remembered he's a sadistic sociopath, which put all my feelings of respect right into the toaster bath.

One thing he had revealed was Anna's whereabouts. Regardless of if he was lying, Griffin had taken off seconds after he came clean, and hasn't come back since. It's been about two days, but Theo lacking his friend and second in command is showing. He's exhausted, stressed, angry, and practically walks on eggshells around me. Since that night in the hospital room, we've been about as wild as a trip to the DMV. He refuses to touch me, regardless of the pang of the bond I know for a fact he feels as well.

I missed Thanksgiving, haven't gotten a single Christmas present for a soul, have powers I don't even know about, and I'm on my period.

Case in point about the nightmare.

I dry my hair off, stepping out of the steamy hot shower. I had been working all day. First, with Jason, who taught me more about offense instead of the defensive moves I had been learning. I wasn't super strong, but if word got out about me, Alosious wouldn't be the only person who would want to use me for my power.

Next, I was in the library with Jessie to try and find out more about Greek mythology. Though it was something I knew bits and pieces about, I was surprised to find just how powerful nymphs were. There were a multitude of kinds, such as those of the elements, plants, herbs, or even seasons. We recited knowledge to each other until my head practically exploded.

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