14) The Pack House

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I felt an ache in my chest. Theo was obviously bothered I hadn't said anything that would have changed the scenario he had already planted in his head. But I couldn't, Kingsley had me trapped, and in the end he won.

Theo led me off to the side, making us near the Pack house. The house truly was ginormous, standing with at least three stories. The old Victorian design wasn't the only thing that made the house different; almost the entire exterior was black. It made the house look intimidating, but I kept my pace up with Theo's long strides regardless. I realized I would be meeting everyone, and hurriedly started patting down my hair that was disheveled from the work of Theo's hands. His eyes followed my hands, and wordlessly, he stopped my movements by grabbing my hand. He intertwined our fingers, silently telling me to not bother.

I gave him a side glance, starting to become nervous at the thought of meeting his family. If they were as intense had him, I don't know if I could handle it. One Theo was enough.

We reached the front door of the house, and he twisted the knob to the door. I immediately was met with the noise of the inside, yells from two side of the house. I recognized the two of them as Griffin and Levi. Theo gripped my hand tighter, and we continued into the foyer that had carpet and tables with vases throughout it. The laughter of a familiar person rung out from one of the rooms behind the foyer. As we reached near the back of the house, I smelled a aroma of chicken waft through the house, making my mouth water.

"Theo's home!" Levi shrieked hoping off the counter, running towards him, my body still hidden by the wall. I walked into the kitchen a bit further, admiring the kitchen decked out in appliances. Levi's gasp brought my attention to where he stood. "And he brought the Bunny Boiler!"

Theo growled at my newfound name, but I found myself amused.

He grinned and continued, "It's about time you saw the place, all he's been going on about is getting you to come here."

I raised an eyebrow at this, and felt my eyes shine with amusement from the idea of Theo whining like child. Theo's scowl deepened, and another growl erupted from his throat. But he didn't deny it.

I saw a shadow approach the kitchen from the same side as Levi. As it approached closer, I saw Griffin engrossed in his phone, causing him to bump into the counter with his hip. He mumbled a string of curse words, looking up to see everyone staring at him. "Hey, did you- Oh hi Adeline. I didn't realize you were coming over."

"Like you didn't realize that there's counters in the kitchen?" Levi questioned him, a cheeky grin on his face. Griffin scowled. "Texting a special lady?" Griffin's face softened a bit at the mention of Mal, a small smirk on his face.

Levi grinned bigger. "Did I say texting? That couldn't make you that engrossed. I meant sexting." Griffin snapped his head to the side, teeth bared at his friends proposition, raising his fist.

"How are they allowed in the same room that has knives?" I murmured to nobody in particular. I saw Theo's lips twitch, despite his anger with everything that happened today. Griffin and Levi turn to me, Griffin a unimpressed look, Levi grinning mischievously from my idea. "How close are they?" Theo asked, bringing their full attention to him before something worse broke out. They both straightened, glancing at one another. "They should be here by tomorrow."

"And?" Theo pushed them on impatiently, since they clearly were hiding something about whoever "they" were.

"A meeting has been called. Something about the whole situation..." Levi trailed off, eyes flickering to me for a second. Griffin and Theo's eyes hardened, and felt tension in the room. I knew I should keep quiet to not push anything in further.

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