36) Fighting the Fire

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you're welcome;)

Everyone stands frozen, Alosious squaring up to the group of men who have come to save me. I can see the anger in his eyes, and I want nothing more for them to give him exactly what they came here for.

Theo's eyes meet mine, and a flood of relief washes over my chest, relief that I know isn't mine. His eyes soften for me in a way that I hadn't seen him do for anyone else. I could have cried right then in there. But when his eyes begin to scan me, they stop short at my pajama shorts pulled down to my ankles. And just as soon as his soft gaze came, it left. In its wake was nothing short of murder on his mind.

Everything happens so fast, that I can barely even keep up. Within a few seconds, Theo lunged at his brother, them going head to head. Griffin growls out something, but all I catch is Anna, and he is off down the hall. Theo's father approaches his two sons, both making carnal noises as they use their strength to get the other one down.

Levi, thankfully, comes to my aid, and I whimper in relief of being freed.

"YOU FUCKING TOUCHED HER! I'LL KILL YOU!" Theo's voice booms out so loud that move my hands to cover my ears.

My body sweats what feels like pounds off me, which I typically would feel happy about, but not at this particular moment. Theo's roars of vengeance and the pounding of bodies continues, and I don't even have the energy to try to tune into what is being said. Levi's hands work skillfully and quickly, untying my wrists that have become raw from the rope. He looks up at me, as he continues to untie the left wrist, but stops short and frowns.

"Adeline, why do you smell like that?"

I groan the only form of communication I can muster. His quick movement sent a wave of cool air in my direction, and Id sell him my right kidney to do it again.

Levi's face contorts from one of slight confusion into pure horror. "I'm so sorry Ade, I can't-" He looks around, horrified and desperate. "I need to get out before my wolf takes over."

The blue eyes that he typically sports are now coated in flecks of gold, his wolf's reaction more than clear to me. And I couldn't blame him. Alosious informed me that no male, no matter how respected I am to them, would be able to resist a woman in heat due to the scent attracting their wolves. I knew better than to get Levi in trouble by asking him to stay, but I was in so much pain right now. I was so desperate.

"Levi," I panted, desperate to get out of my restraints, "Please."

His face contorted into one of division between his primal instincts and his moral self. He growled quietly, cursing under his breath before his morals gave in. "Theo!"

The shuffling and banging behind me cease momentarily, and I hear another roar of disproval.

His father's voice sounds from behind me. "Son, you need to go to her."

A growl is heard in response, and I whimper in pain again. My body convulses from the hot branding iron that resides in every one of my bones. I was teetering on the edge of insanity, the pain was unbearable.

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