16) My Secret?

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I woke up with a start, not sure of how I even woke up in the first place. The first thing I noticed without opening my eyes was the bed I was in felt different then the one I fell asleep in. Warmth surrounded me from my head to my toes. I felt like I was on a cloud, and I probably would have fallen right back asleep if it weren't for the second thing I noticed; a sudden loud noise ringing in my ear.

With that, my eyes snapped open, and my body jumped from the noise. I felt the warmth on my waist squeeze me closer, and I could only hope it was Mal who had scooted closer to me in the night. But I knew I hadn't spent the night at Mal's. I looked down to find that Mal's small pale arms weren't there and rather muscular, veiny, tan ones instead.

What the fuck?

After Theo and I had argued for awhile about me sleeping in a different room, I sauntered out of his room and into a spare one down the hall.  He must have kidnapped me. Again.

I soon figured out that the loud noise came from his throat, the snore vibrating the frame of the bed. I didn't think such a loud noise could come out of him, and was shocked he could talk in the morning. I craned my head, since my body was currently trapped, to see a completely different Theo. With his face gorgeously relaxed, his mouth sat partially open, his full lips looking more kissable then ever. I surveyed his disheveled hair, standing up in different directions that he would immediately scowl at and pat down if he saw it. But I thought he couldn't have looked sexier.

My ogling came to a halt when another snore rang from his throat. Just like the last ones this one bounced off the walls, surprising me that I hadn't woke up earlier. Does he always do this?

I decided it was time for me to get out of bed. Especially because it was his bed. Not that I could deny I wanted stay cuddled up against him for the rest of the day, that was quite true. But I also had to get home at some point, He would definitely be home today around dinner.
I pressed on his chest, trying to pry myself from him, causing him to crush me some more.  Nope. I reached for my phone and found an alarm sound that would surely wake him up. I turned it up and let the sound ring around the room. Instead of waking him up, it mixed in with his breathing, not even making him wavier.

He's tricky. I shook my body, causing his to barely move, just shaking slightly with my frame. Not even a twitch in his  face. I grunted, trying to find my next move. I felt the pressure in my bladder increasing, and I knew I would have to take care of Business  soon or else it would occur on the mattress. I looked around, moving my head from his chest, and a low guttural growl interrupted his loud breathing. I froze, waiting for him to say something or release me. Just when I was about to break the silence, another snore rung through the room, as he nuzzled his head closer to me. I shook my head. I don't see how this is even possible.

I felt the pressure again. I kicked his leg.

I was met with another room shaking inhale.

Is it possible for someone to be dead and still be breathing?

I tried again, my body urging me to take care of business then. Nothing.

"Damn it," I murmured in a worried tone before frantically trying again. "Theo?"

His breathing stopped midway, and his eyes snapped open, an obsidian black instead of his gorgeous brown ones. He immediately looked down at me, eyes relaxing. I couldn't help but just stare at him with curiosity. How did that wake him up but the blaring alarm didn't?

"What's wrong?" He asked in a husky morning voice, looking alert.

"I have to pee," I said dumbly. His whole body relaxed and his eyes returned to a pool of light brown.

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