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I wake with a start when I hear a groan from beside me. My eyes shoot open.

My worry is replaced within seconds when I see a little brunette head bob as it climbs on Theo. His cheeky smile instantly makes Theos angry face melt away. Its practically toothless, and cute as can be. I chuckle at my second born, my eyes playfully narrowed at him.

"You snore loud, Daddy," Dimitri soberly admits, his eyes trained on his father. They share the same deep brown eyes and olive skin. Its no wonder I think hes so damn adorable. That and the fact he is a troublemaker with a new discovery every day that keeps me on my toes.

"That means Daddy is sleeping," Theo mumbles, his eyes already closed again. In protest. "Not that you need to wake him up."

I chuckle softly. Watching the two of them interact is like a ping pong match. He's got his fathers stubbornness.

Dimitri blinks. "But Peirce and I are hungry."

I haul myself out of bed as Theo grumbles back at Dimitri that jumping on people doesn't insinuate they are hungry. They would go at it all day if I let them, but truthfully I myself would much rather spend my Saturday morning making breakfast than listen to them bicker.

"Let's go, sweetheart. Grab your brother and we will go eat." I tell him as I tie my hair up in a messy bun, ruffling his hair as he races out of the room obediently. I turn to my mate, sprawled out in bed, in nothing but a pair of boxers on. He rests arms behind his head, knowing that it draws my attention to his defined muscles.

"Are you going to jump on top of me this morning too?" Theo's playful voice asks, his eyes looking me up and down.

"Not likely, Dimitri might sneak back in here and wonder why Daddy is being so loud if he's not sleeping."

His eyes alight with humor and lust, and within seconds, he's right before me at the foot of our bed. He kisses me fiercely, a growl deep in his throat making its way up.

I giggle against his lips when he begins to kiss me around my face, holding me tight so I can't escape. "Good morning to you too."

He pulls back and I'm met with a warm, tired smile. "Good Morning, Rosa."

We go to kiss once more, but are interrupted by the pitter patter of little feet as they run down the hallway. It's just us and our family who live in the beautiful black, gothic pack house. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Theo tells me about a dream he had the night before as I put our comfy robes and slippers on. Something about him chasing someone but then realizing that he was in quicksand and had to make a heroic escape. I just shook my head at his retelling, unsure how he remembered his dreams so vividly. We make our way out of our room, and divide up.

I trek down the steps to find three little heads already positioned in the entrance to the kitchen. My oldest looks at me, his hazel eyes sternly fixated on his little brothers. His grandmother was delighted when his eyes matched hers, telling us that we were lucky the gene pool worked so highly in our favor. Lea has been amazing with the kids, her patience and selflessness knowing no bounds.

"Mom, I tried to stop them, but they wouldn't listen. I told them so many times that if you and Dad are sleeping that we need to-"

"Its ok, sweet boy. Don't worry about it, it's breakfast time either way." I cut him off, planting a kiss in his mop of curls he inherited from me. My son is the epitome of the oldest sibling syndrome.

"I told you, Roman," Dimitri chides, his gaze already set on the ingredients I take out of the fridge. "Mommy even said that it's time for food."

My littlest boy, Peirce, runs up to me and outstretches his arms. I pick him up and rest him against my hip, placing a kiss on his cheek. "How did you sleep, little man?"

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