21) Returning the Favor

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I wake up with a warm chest pressed on my back. I wasn't all to acquainted with the feeling of being cuddled, but I can't help but bask in his warmth before finally deciding I need to start and get ready. I manage to squeeze out of his hold and begin to get ready. At some point last night after Theo and I made up, he informed me we would meet Jordan for lunch before attending a party he would be hosting. He believes that having that many people around is bound to attract rouges. Theo seemed hesitant, but Jordan said the estate is decked in hidden guards so nothing bad could happen.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I begin to put my makeup on. Just as I finish putting mascara on my lashes, a warm hand is placed on my shoulder. I turn around and my eyes follow it to a tan arm to a muscular bicep. And a bare chest.

I stare only for a second, trying not to react. I struggle with both, wanting to let my eyes linger. The asshole smirks.

"I think you have a little drool, Rosa," he chided. I make an effort at making my face look annoyed. He surprises me by using the pad of his thumb to run over my lips. He gets dangerously close and in no time at all his thin is replaced by his lips. We kiss slow, and I take my time to appreciate his full lips doing wonders on mine. When we pull away, I raise an eyebrow.

"Find any 'drool'?"

"I admit, I just wanted an excuse to kiss you."

"Hah! Like you have ever wanted to 'find an excuse'." I fire back.

His smirk turns to a real smile and he laughs. "Alright you have caught me in my lies, that's enough. How did you sleep?"

My eyes slip down to his bare chest again, the muscles prominent. "Fine. You must have gotten hot last night."

"Are you complaining?" He asked, teasing me by tousling his hair, my eyes immediately going to his bicep as it flexes.

I roll my eyes but a small smile appears on my face. "It's only hot when you aren't a cocky asshole about it."

He grins. "I'll try humbling myself."

I scoff. "No you won't."

He pauses. "Yeah, you're right."

"Yeah I know I am," I agree, turning back around to the mirror I do my makeup in. "Now leave me alone, I need to finish getting ready."

He groans, taking another step towards me. I try ignoring him, highlighting the corners of my eyes. Theo must have not liked being ignored, because he started torturing me by pressing small kisses around my bare shoulder and trailing to my neck. He stops, and  I watch his mouth hover over my ear in my rearview, my attention finally look at our now level heads in the mirror.

He gives me an intense look, our eye contact itself heating me up. I can't help but notice his broad shoulders in the mirror. They stretch out with toned muscles displayed evenly to his firm chest. I continue down, noticing his toned abs. I continue further, following happy trail. I allow my eyes to fixate on his lower region just because I cant help myself. He lets out a strong exhale. My lip twitches.

He turns his head, placing his lips tantalizingly slow to my cheek. He places a slow, sensual kiss, trailing them down in no hurry. I clench the brush in my hand, forgetting about my eyeshadow.

"Why do you insist on torturing me, Rosa?" His voice practically slurs, low and lazily letting his faint accent show. I close my eyes, hoping if I don't answer he will continue. His messy hair falls around his face as he continues to trail my skin with his lips.

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