First entry- June, 9, 2023

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art at the top by...idk


This is my first entry in this journal and im going to be honest, i dont think itll be much interesting. i was supposed to go to sunsplash then i was never woken up and my sister went without was a birthday party
anyways the most ive done this summer break is get some popeyes and draw.
ive began watching a new series called wolfblood! its a pretty old show but its actually so cool for no reason. like the theme song is so nice! i reccommened to watch most definetely.

Since i know you guys dont know, im getting a dog! Ive named her ruby and shes a german shepard mix. we have bought her little dog house but the thing is we have to put it together before we actually get her :,) but we are so close! it has already arrived and now we just gotta put it together! im prettty sure on monday is when we will begin to actually assemble it.

this summer..i got things to do tho..i wanna decorate my room with more drawings esp of my theriotype and finish omen of the stars and the next series after that! which means i shouls get started.....anyways! so much to do right? idk i make myself busy

this summer theres a good chance ill go to yosemite! im not sure when exactly but i really hope so! plus, next week pretty sure im going to la! la isnt that cool to me, i perfer nature and all, but still! anywaysss

i also entered a drawing contest for a discord server icon for a therian camp server! i hope i win ngl :3 Its called hidden horizions and its rlly nice!

i guess thats all i have to say? well. its not too short for my first entry though! alright, signing off!

- Koko

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