September, 25, 2023

11 1 0

I was going to update on sunday.. sort of forgot


on sunday, i met up with my therian friend at the dog park with our dogs to let them play around and we enjoyed our time there. it felt so nice honestly. the park was really beautiful and it had a lot of ducks, birds, and trees in there i just loved it a lot. it also had a mini lake and we saw a cat hunting a rat which was pretty cool, it didnt catch it though.

During that day i remembered to just enjoy life and to not mind what others think, at the end of the day it is my life. recently i deleted tons of quads videos because i didnt want my friends to see my videos. i didnt delete a lot thank god, and i have them all backed up i just deleted it off my camera roll. but i feel stupid for that, its not like theyll go through it and its my buisness and whst i do. i love my therian identity i shouldnt be afraid to show that

anywyas...soon im gonna get back into quads. ive just recently not had the energy to do it, my thighs hurt or my calf hurts or i just..cannot. im so annoyed with my body lmao
right now im too tired so

anways thats it, bye bye!!

also imma.upload a new playlist soon

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