June, 26, 2023

18 1 0


forgot to write again! anyways i actually have smth to write about for today! today was my friend's birthday! i went to a pool party for his birthday And it was really fun! we just swam around then we played tag in the pool. and ngl i am not the fastest swimmer and i donr have much stamina so u can imagine the panic i felt during the game 😭 it was still very fun even if i was being drowned by my friends half the time and splashing around!!! i hung out with maiya then laila chased me down and held me under...the pain lmao. it only lasted like 2 hours cuz the pool closed at 4:30, tbh that is so early..its only open for 3 hours?? why not longer lol

anyways! i rlly enjoyed it!!! i didnt do much else the rest of the day. got pizza, hang out with my dog, got a bf ^^ which im really happy about! and finally rid of glaseus. who u do not know but in summary hes a rlly weird person who also made fun of me...for no reason??

okay! i have nothing else to say rn. im watching mlp because my phase is very much back in full swing...but its cool!!!!!!! okay thats all! im happy i actually wrote a lot this time instead of a mini little paragraph. i wanna do some art i just dont know what, yk? anywyaysh yeah i cannot draw

anyways!!!!! now ill end this entry!!! bye!

signing off at midnight

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