July, 18, 2023

7 1 0


stayed up late..again. but watching therian and quadrobics tiktoks x,3
anyways..im so bored..i got nothingggg to do and i think that my friend's coming over tommorrow but i dont feel like it ;_;

Ive been watching stupid stuff..anyqays should i make a story based off therians/quadrobists?


okay so..recently my mom has been bugging me and i mean BUGGING me for me to join this stupid youth art camp thingie. and i seriously dont wanna join because i dislike meeting new people, new social interactions and whatever..but at the same time..art! i love doing art. maybe if i know specifically what theyre doing i may or may not just join.. out of boredom, i mean. like i have nothing else to do and im soooo bored.. i know nobody will answer my question but...should i join this camp? i mean what if theres another therian or quadrobist? or maybe just a furry or someone cool?
maybe i can just ask my mom for more info on this...i guess. im not too keen on having this actually happen but at the same time..whatever. gives me more interesting journal entries to write anyway!

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