April, 21, 2024

6 0 2

Guys.. i think i havent wrote in this journal in an entire MONTH. which is..fully my fault. but at the same time, whats there to write about. BUT!!!!
i finally got smth interesting

Soo, i finally uploaded some more on my new tiktok account (its basenjibones, please follow and interactt) and this person comments on my videos. I also made a bmf video n they commented on that so i added their discord and texted them! after texting a little bit turns out they live VERY close to me? Like, a city away close. which is very close because im not in those big cities like Sans franciso or whatever. But, im rlly excited but also a little bit suspicious.. Because what if theyre just lying?

What should i do to make sure that theyre not because I dont wanna make them uncomfy or something by asking a ton of questions, you know?

Anyways, im at my dads house right now but he moved into an actual house. its a pretty small apartment sized house but it has a nice backyard w overgrown weeds n grass! Im scared ill be pricked but i wanna do quads out there and i may! so its not that bad. Im also thinking on making a mini comic? but
im gonna lock in and make my story first lol

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