July, 6, 2023

11 1 2

9:51 PM


oopsie my bad, i forgot to write my entry, but i do have a lot to write about this time!!! im pretty happy with what i did today :3 it was so fun! so let me start.

sooo...someone asked me to do a quadrobics gallop tut, so ofc i gave!! but doing the video was actually so fun! just running around, it felt so free. even tho it was a small space i was reminded how fun quadrobics is and how free you can feel just doing it! getting a small wound on your hands or knees is just the part of it. i skinned the skin above my knuckle a bit..how? not sure. but i dont know why but it makes me feel more free. being a bit hurt, my hands, feet, and clothing covered in the dirt ive kicked up..thats how im supposed to live! the gloves i wear feel like paws to me or like paw pads.. it was also beautiful! the sun shone down on the specific spot i was running in and it was all golden and sunny and warm!!! i loved it so much.. every therian needs to expierence smth like this!! in their own way. feeling free!
doing quads with my dog is so fun! well, when shes not trying to bite my gloves off :P idk why she does that lol

anyways!!! i need to finish editing my quadrobics gallop tut and try to make it make some sense. because...im not the best at explaining if im being completely honest x,3 (help me)

anywayss! just a bonus. im still watching sweet tooth and omg. i am so invested. kinda a spoiler? well it is. but anyways! spoiler -  ( but the part where we meet Bear and the group of kids protecting the hybrids is my favorite! besides tiger of course. idk why everyone abandoned my girl bear :(( but..if they were nicer and more of a tight nit group that had better beliefs, i could see them as something id be in :3 id make my fav animal a wolf or a lynx!! and..quadrobics would be such a fitting touch in that show even just for hybrids!!! itd be super cool omg. idk why but i just resonate with that show :3 ))

end of spoilers.

as i watched sweettooth , i was gonna make a homemade tail...then i forgot because my friend called me and i began to draw..but i drew cute pics of my dog so it was worth it :3 i can just do it tommorrow x3

anyways...i have a dentist appointment tomorrow at 10am :(( i hate waking up early..idc if its not that early, i sleep late. its 2am right now.

anywayyyss... this was a long entry. which im glad of! now ill go watch sweet tooth and eat stuff..like my peach rings. just wanted to mention that cuz they taste good lol
anyways,  signing off!!

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