August, 17, 2023

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a pretty late entry again, but honestly my bad...i just didnt feel like it. anyways, school went well!!! surprisingly actually! i didnt make any new friends which is fine for me, but i love all my new teachers and the students look pretty nice too! everyone was exaggerating, saying id be bullied or something stupid like that... i knew i wouldnt be but its nice to have that extra reassurance

anyways, ive recently been watching an anime about a pack of dogs grouping together to kill this evil bear and its so interesting i love it. if youre okay with blood and death and fighting and all that stuff i totally reccommend it!!! in english the name is Silverfang the shooting star, the name is pretty long in japanese so i dont remember but you could probably find it easily but looking up the english name! its the banner btw! anyways im only excited to get through tomorrow because then on saturday is my dog's mini playdate!!
i honestly have nothing else to say besides i drew i guess? yeah :3

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