June, 22, 2023

19 0 0

5:16 PM

i know i havent updated in a while, my fault! i honestly sort of forgot and ive been over obsessed with my dog, ruby! but everything that i have done has just been with my girl ruby soo :,) We have been working on training and stuff and she doesnt like to pay attention at all- but yeaa. the banner is a pic i took of her today! she even has her own tiktok named royalty.ruby

anyways! today ill finally be going to my swimming lessons! i havent gone because- my period. i was svared of leaking even tho in water it doesnt leak.. but now im able to go! :D I love swimming so much and im more confident now! i feel so free in the water. i dont think i have an aquatic or semi-aquatic theriotype, i just rlly enjoy swimming! i rlly wanna decorate my room too!

anyways...idk what to do rn. the swimming lessons start at 6:45 and rn its 5:19. imma draw my theriotype!

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