October, 31, 2023

34 1 0

When opening this app, i noticed my last entry was exactly a month ago...oops.
But, through this whole month, i think its gone pretty well... ive got many friends, enjoying my life ofcourse with my dog and outside. Despite the constant warm weather, i am pretty happy!
and, today is halloween!! even tho i had like.. 30 days, i kept forgetting and never exactly had the time to get a proper costume. Even if we did get the time, the costumes are quite expensive for some reason.. i wanted to be sonic, pikachu, or a clown but its fine idrm!!! as long as i have fun. i deicded to be a sort of cat witch again, i have my 3 tails and mt cat cloak! i was going to wear my cat mask but i forgot to..so my bad i guess
but i cant wait to go trick or treating w my therian friend!!!!

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