July, 21, 2023

9 1 0

Bolt banner because I am very much a bolt kinnie :3

Hey look, an entry that isnt super late in the day. crazy, right?! :3 Anyways- I meant to wake up wayy later but i woke up around 5am and couldnt fall back asleep so im here surviving on only 3 hours of rest ;_;
Despite that, ive already done some quads and uploaded to my tiktok account! because im just..that amazing. anyways. today im going to get a great start! imma make myself breakfast and paint my wolf mask! pause. if i even have paint, that is. because if then, no mask painting for me :,3 now way my mom will say yes to buying paint or going to the store for it in general. we have to go the store though to get the pictures i ordered of my dog, ruby, so perhaps i do have a chance? anyways. searching for paint rn...and man im so hungry.
surprise, we do have paint! not the color im looking for but still paint! i found orange, red, and a yellow color. im now looking in the garage for some. i found one more and its lavender. again, not the color im looking for.


im super tired atm, but pretty satisfied as I made myself some eggs and bread aka a little egg sandwhich :3 it tasted good, i added a bit of cheese and stuff and i ate a small lil vanilla ice cream drumstick :D anyways..im bored..and sleepy..i need to rest. no point of staying up anyway ;_;
but right now im watching a dog anime called silver fang! nobody rlly knows about it but its cool but not for sensitive viewers as it includes animal abuse, blood, and death. animal death is what makes me sad though.
did i mention how i alnost cried watching a dog's purpose?

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