June, 14, 2023

21 1 0


right now im walking to the park with my mom and little sister! we are going to the park thats rlly close to our house and usually nobody is rlly there so i decided to bring my mask and gloves for some quadrobics! its actually not even that bad out for a summer day in cali :3 anyways im hoping to get a good video or just have fun!
today im getting my dog so im rllu excited and happy anyways!!


as you can see, im a bit late to updating because i sort offf forgot to update :,) but the park was very fun! at the park i met an adorable stray cat who was surprisingly very friendly! shes the banner :3 My friend said shes seen her many times before! i wanna name her raven, dove, or akira (akira is what my friend suggested) but i like dove the most!! she was so adorable! i have so many pictures and videos and even a quadrobics video with her! i really hope i do get to see her again^^ shes the only stray in this neighborhood ive met that is actuallt not afraid of other people! not sure why ^^ but shes just so cute! she was mewling and chirping and rubbing herself on me! i do hope i get to see her i. just so happy :D

now some not so great news, i wont be getting the dog for a few more days because mt grandma is taking a break from work and she works nightshift :,) until she finally goes back to work we can brjng the dog in so its an annoying situation! im just getting pretty impatient here
anywayyyss feeling good :3 today has been a pretty good day overall :3 i just love cats!

ive also made a new therian friend named jay ^^ i met them on tiktok so ill see how it goes :3 i hope im not annoying them

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