September, 30, 2023

12 1 0

I woke up a bit early today..
Today I decided id get back into doing quadrobics, and i feel so happy and free. I spent so long just trying to fit in with the kids at school and feeling regular that i forgot all about being myself. when i picked up my mask, ive never felt happier i swear i cried. at the end of the day, being your true self feels so much better than pretending to be someone that youre not..
When i went outside and i felt my paws touch the wet cement and the mask on my face it just felt so natural... this is who i am. the tails hung up in my room, my cat masks and my wolf mask, the animal stuff..all of it represents who i am..and while id truly never tell anyone at my new school im never abandoning my true identity.

i uploaded my new video on my tiktoo and i just feel so happy
also, its beginning to rain and be windier which makes this 10x better.. i love it


Right now im goimg to the park with Ruby and my dad! going to the park is always so relaxing especially in this weather

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