June, 15, 2023

22 1 0

5:51 PM

Right now im going to the library with my mom and lil sis :3 After that we will be going to the park again! At the library im hoping to find a warrior cta book or wof book! where i left off i mean. so i hope to find the fourth apprentice or the 14th book of wof! I love those series a lot! anyways im just waiting for my little sister to finally be ready!


okay so, we are finally on our way to the library..but we are now stopping at a walmart to buy smth lol.


we didnt go to the library since it closes at 6 but we are still going to the park! i didnt bring any gear sadly but its okay! i jusy wanna do quads


I know this is a super late entry but my mom has just brought the dog and im so happy!!! shes outside and its kinda scary out there so i havent officially met her!
i went to the park earlier and i met the same cat again! i found where she hangs out and she crossed the road to come and greet me again! she is so adorable honestly and i think ive made a new friend!
im so excited but so scared at the same time- help. im gonna wait until its lighter outside!

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