June, 24 2023

23 1 5

6:44 PM

Sooo..i never really continued the last entry because i forgot to but it was all fine anyway! nothing to say.. it was 30 min long session but it felt wayyy shorter..and kinda tiring? i mean whoever though that butterfly kick and breaststroke combo was okay....

anyways! Im at home all alone like nobody is home at all! i let my dog into the house and let her sniff around cuz why not :P shes so cute!

anyways i havent done much quads or therian stuff as i promised myself...my bad. idrk what to make honestly! i wanna make art on my ipad but its so hard to print on my trashy printer lol
anywyayhhh...i rlly want more therian friends and ppl to actually read my journal :P

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