June, 12, 2023

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So, you guys dont know this but June 12th is both my Grandma's and my mom's birthday! So, to celebrate their birthdays we went to a resturaunt all together! and my sister too. it was the same resturant my brother took us to! minus my grandma..

but anyways, the food was really good! and also the waitress genuinely thought i was a dude..which is far from a bad thing! just...yay?! also, how? idk i just feel so...ahhhh.

also since yesterday, ive been playing a game on roblox called yellowstone unleashed! its a realistic animal game where you can play as a deer, elk, wolf, bison, horse, bear or a cougar! i worked a bit hard to purchase the wolf and it seems everyone has smth against wolves...for some reason. still, its a really fun game:3 you have to drink and eat and ofc you can attack others or be attacked! the animals have different health and attacking power..so it takes a whole lot to even kill a bison. a pack of wolves can barely take down a bear! you can make your own herd or pack btw lol. but being in a pack as a wolf is one of the best things as a wolf therian :3 to sum it all up, i enjoy that game a lot! best part is, its being recently updated so its not an old or abandoned game as most games are!
so, if you enjoy playing as an animal in a  realistic game then def play this game! its free and can be played on mobile or computer! :3 thank goodness for me, i only have my ipad!

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