Oct, 1, 2023

15 1 0


i sort of forgot to update my last entry, but today i went to the park again and it felt so refreshing. going to the park in this wether and watching the sun set is just so refreshing to me. i love being in the nature its relaxing, i think everyone should experience this atleast once in a while..

this weekend has honestly been great especially reconnecting to my therian side a bit more..but its sunday night. i hate sunday nights because theres school tomorrow and i dont have the energy to go...
i usually draw during class but i dont like when people say furry. i am a furry but i dont want that spreading around, yk? this isnt the same as my old school, itll hurt here.

so, no more drawing therian me and animals during class..i usually draw pokemon but its not the same..i hate school.

does anyone else think about how many other therians or furries are in their school but just dont tell anyone? i think im the only therian for sure but i always think abiut that whenever i go places, i wish there was a way to tell everyone apart!

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