July, 1, 2023

24 1 5

Sorta forgot to write an entry lol

But pride month is over sadly

anyways!!!! today was quite eventful. today i went to sunsplash with a group of kids from church cuz it was sort of like an event or field trip? well it was fun!!! i went to the lazy river first because who doesnt? i actually went on it tons of times mostly bc my sister wanted us to. i went in the wavepool lots of times too and it was so scary cuz getting stuck in there is terrifying bru but then its not that bad when you learn how to manage in the waves!!
i didnt ride any cool rides bc i had no one to ride with..the only girl im cool with is too afraid to even ride and i missed my only chance to even go on a cool ride cuz of her and her brother :/ but it was kinda fun being alone without them cuz swimming in the little kids area where the pool used to be warm, i just did my own thing. see, doggy paddling is not a human thing at all since our bodies are not built like that- but i try anyways because it makes me feel like my theriotypes! just swimming around and diving!

then we encountered some rude people...for whatever reason like sorry a little child in our group didnt say excuse me? hes like 6? humans are something (i am one)

anyways, we ate, went back to swimming, then left at our time. the youth group came instead. the youth group is a group of kids at our church like 13-16 maybe and they do cool stuff yeah. i havent joined because ik itll be awkward like..i dont talk to anyone in youth at all. trust me, theyd think im weird or something like that ?

anyways, yea thats all i have to say, signing off!!!

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