June, 9, 2023

9 1 0


i forgot to update my journal..again. mb :P anyways i have sommee stuff!
so im at my dads rn! which means i cant see ruby and i rlly miss her rn! but anyways right now we are going to a trampoline park before me and my lil sister head back home :3 Im planning to do some quadrobics im so excited! im in the car rn on my way to there! ill update once i get there.


okay so..
about me doing quads here.. i wont probably because its the tranpoline park that i dont like lol..idk what it is about it thsy i just.. dont feel comfy enough doing quads in.. in the trampoline part i mean. in the other one, no problem! this one..? people wont say anything but no way! anyways im in the jungle place thing for little kids and its lowkey fun xD i feel like its like..terrain im hunting on with all the obstacales and its small so i have to crawl. i love it


finally time to go home! so..as i expected, i didnt do any quads. i didnt do that much here today if im being honest. but, thats okay. i just felt so hungry and bored..like this specfic trampoline park is such a bore... anyways! im finally going home! im so excited to see my beloved dog!

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