June, 11, 2023

38 1 0


right now im at my dads and watching glitter force, or smile precure, on the tv with my little sister. well im not rlly watching more like shes watching and im sitting here kinda watching it? anyways its nice is all im saying!

i made a new friend! who of course is a therian thank goodness, its annoying to have non-therian friends who dont understand anything at all lol. but they seem super cokl so far! and i cant wait for our friendship to just develop

today we might go to the park which is cool! i wanna do some public quads and stuff!
i was playing wolf quest last night and i just..love that game just as i did when i was younger!


Thats around the time i got home! I went to my cousins for a little bit then went to the park for about 1 or 2 hours? i didnt do any quadrobics because i got a bit scared of other people lol, but i always love going to the park regardless because i feel so free! like it always triggers some sort of shift i cant even explain? yeah..if there werent as many people i think itd be 10x better, or atleast my friend was here to do it with me or just be with me. anyways, i had a fun time with my cousins and at the park!

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