September, 28, 2023

13 1 3

Today was a nice day honestly, dont know what else to say besides its super hot..maybe because im wearing a long sleeved shirt. but schools boring as usual..i swear nothing fun happens

anyways, does anyone else want a den? i love cozy small spaces, especially with blankets and other small stuff. i wish i could curl up and sleep but this human body honestly does not let me. why are we built like this bru
my room is not very.. den material? the only spot i could use is my closet but its a slide closet and it know..clothes in it and such. plus i dont think my shelf is stable enough for me to be laying all over it last time i triwd it made a creaking sound...

alsoo does anyone have any mask ideas? for my cat masks that i might paint..some day in the far far future. i want to trust me

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