December, 12, 2023

20 1 0

11:09 PM

Silence has fallen. Im also surprised by all the views I've received!

Im not sure what to say, so much has changed about me since I turned 14 yet so little. So, more important stuff first. I haven't been as close to therianthropy as i thought i would be. I am still a therian and I don't really doubt it but I don't really do quads every day and stuff like that. It makes me feel like a bit of an outcast from the rest of the community.
I still have all my gear hanging up on my wall, but the sky has been grey and its been raining. The dirt is now covered with fresh short grass yet why haven't my paws touched it yet? I feel so sad. I just keep forgetting..although its invetiable, i get home so late.

But anyway, I keep forgetting to finish my playlist to upload to bad i swear ill remember. i got a new phone with more storage and its faster so i def will now! if i remember i mean..

I still draw my theriotypes and stuff but i dont know what to write about since i dont have any experiences.

Oh but if youve made it this far, would you consider joining my pack? Its on discord! please comment if youd like to join. just dont mention where you got the invite from because they dont need to pack isnt a discord server, its a gc so its a tightknit pack instead of choas and nobody knowing eachother! its called yucca canyon!

anyway, ive also privated all my accounts..i dont post and i dont want my accounts to be found. i mean a dude from my school found out i used to do quads at my old school, thats scary enough..i dont want it spreading, no thank you..i wasnt even sure how to respond. yeah dont be like me if you dont wanna be called weird in the future.

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