September, 19, 2023

10 0 0

9:16 PM

hay guys!!!!
so, idk why but i forgot to mention this but at my new school i have a friend who i met in art class and shes a furry! we dont share the same art period anymore sadly and shes a grade below but we are best friends so thats cool! i doubt shes a therian or a quadrobist or any sort of thing but i trust her to tell her that stuff but not doing that anytime soon ...

its beginning to get realy nice and windy out and less like. sunny i guess? its my favorite type of weather honestly. it makes the days feel so much less tiring and more relaxing and quieter for the peace of mind

um, on a less positive note, i love new my friends and all but their weird just..racism and hatred towards furries is verrry uncomfortable and weird to me. when i say friends, i mean one specific friend. everyone else doesnt really..mind furries? nobody but my other furry friend knows i am one (bru jve said this word so many times now) and ill never tell them cuz its kinda scary
also why i dont want people in my room...i have tails and cat masks and warrior cats books AND furry art on my wall dude. itd be game over for me. anyways, this new school is ok imo. its nicer in a educational way but the people are way off but its a public school what can i say?

also i kinda wanna make a story based of therians etc but im not sure of a plot and idrk if i should make it or not!!

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