July, 19, 2023

11 1 4

remember the whole thing abt that art camp? yeah..no way im going. that thing lasts from 9:30 IN THE MORNING to THREE IN THE AFTERNOON!! seriously who do you think i am?? theres no way ill be going to one of those, not until i die!

anyways...today i finished up a drawing of therian artwork of myself! so uh..if youre curious about it, its on my instagram and tiktok page! my insta is felidae.koko and my tiktok is ryestep. (please follow me..esp my instagram. idk why its so hard to get people to interact with me :( ..like i barely get any likes on that app.) anyways..my account ryestep is doing far better and getting tons of follows each day! i just need to keep this momentum! i dont even upload everyday lol

holy crap that reminds me! i shouls be praticing quads right now..i shouldve the whole month! ah- my bad i suppose ;_; i lost that motivation and just...didnt for a while? yeahh nvm..i have no excuse.

anyways..i wish my therian journal, this one, got more views! i dont know why ir hasnt and idk what to do to even get more ;_; someone help me..
oh yeah..i need to brush out that tail
im also so tiree help

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