June, 16, 2023

27 2 0

cute wolf banner :3
It is literally 1am right now but im writing an entry because i just have that sudden great motivation..so im actuallt making the tails! i have my brush and yarn but im not very confident since im not very good in followinf directions if im being..completely honest - lol..
but anyways...im gonna do it because..free tail and fun :3. while i was standing on my bed searching for my yarn in my closet, i felt so odd in that moment..how do i explain? just looking below i was thinking if it was grass id jump with no fear but looking at the tiles i feel like i have my tail tucked in.
makes me think about how free i really feel in the forest or just nature in general.
anyways...getting of track..kind of? back to my tail. i ended up not finding that specific yarn, but i dont think it wouldve worked anyway since its crotcheting yarn so its fine x3 i have this one anyways!


it is 4am..as in the earliest of mornings...and i just finished the tail. when i say my back hurts i mean it really does hurt...a lots ;_; it took such a long time but it is so worth it! but one thing...it needs a lot more brushing. like...a lot more. right now it looks pretty janky and not very cute xD yeah...id rather not show it. but when i can ill fix it up :3 and make it actually presentable! but for now...i really need to actually lay down.
i watched 2 dog movies tho! rescued by ruby and benji! and surprsingly...ive never watched benji..but ik younger me would love it because i love it now! its a great suspenseble ? movie!
okay. im going to bed... im dying right now agh


Yk how i stayed up the whole night? did i regret doing that? verymuch so. i was tired the whole day since i had to wake up at 11am..it was just so aghhh..i took a nap in the car and i guess it helped a bit. today was just boring. i saw someone's dog and poor thing lived in the worst conditions :(( how can anyone think its okay?

anyways..remember the tail i made? yeah...looking at it now ita def not finished xD it needs so much more brushing. also the color is kind of ugly..its a dark blue color and looks odd but its like ehh -_- maybe cuz this isnt even finished brushing yet..and i dont feel like taking time out tonight just to do that! no sir no way! anywho.. im sooooo bored. i read some warrior cats, was half asleep, made dinner, played with my dog...yeahh...

i wish i got more views on thisnjournal :((
also this is probably the most like..time  stretched out journal entry so far xD

signing off...goodnight everyone!

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