April, 23, 2024

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Soo, the banner has kinda relation to the story imma tell you guys :0 it has to do w my dog! skip if u want ig

Its short but, so as you all know I go to my dads for 1 weekend in a month, i was gone Or about 1 day and a 1/2 and when I came back home, I found out that my dog made friends with the neighbor's dog. The dog is a male and it's kinda big but hes a sweetheart! his name is doodie? or doodle idrk,.i couldnt read the name tag very well.
but somehow my dog managed to fo thru the fence in a small gap to play w rhe neighbors dog..it was so cute tho. sometimes, the dog will scratch at the hole for her to come over. but my dogs pretty smart and knows not to go thru when the neighbors are outside!
i say its related to the banner because they remind me of Angel and Scamp by the way they act. I love themm

So im kinda sad tbh. i made a therian friend off my tiktok who lives VERY close to me. i think i told u guys. but recently, shes become more dry and ig distant? ever since she got a partner. i have no problem w her gettinf a partner but i wish that didnt have to come between our friendship yk..? i js wanted to have a friendship and this was such a good Opportunity but oh well ?

but, recently my evil eye bracelet broke. This monday, in pe i was js laying down and suddenly it burst. its made out of yarn and ive stretched it many times and it never broke, so i think something mayve happened? im sort of scared in that way. it was a white evil eye bracelet i had found and worn ever since. what do u guys think this means?
if u dk, evil eyes are meant to protect the user from evil energy and harm when worn. when they break, it means it has protected you. its not a tiktok trend its apart of a religion/culture
anywayy it was strange so yea, i hope nth bad happened and i can get a new one.

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