August, 16, 2023

10 1 0

Hey guys...i am alive. and im going 5o say unfortunately as school starts tomorrow!! i know i left kind of suddenly but i went to disneyland then got lazy and tired and didnt want to write. to sum it up, disneyland was really fun and the rides were great!! the resorts IN QUOTES??? not so was . interesting

anyways tomorrow is the first day of eighth grade!!!!! and im not excited! im going to be late because ill be at a dentist appointment at 8:45 and school starts at 8 but itd look stupid if i went for only 45 mins yk? thats not even an hour..then id come rather stay home then go to school after my appointment.

anyways i havent been doing quads recently simply because ive been hanging out with my dog more and focusing more on training her and making vids of her!!! if u didnt know, i love dogs a lot and i love learning abt them!
on saturday me and my friend will meet up w our dogs at a park for playdate!!!! so yeah thats the only reason why i look forward to tomorrow..because its clpser to saturday lol

But im pretty scared ngl, i have to go to after school program and i dont even know anyone there??! and i dont wqnt people to judge me, i changed my whole computer from thst and removed mt stickers and drawings and instead put a pic of my dog that i wanna remove now lol but its fine..ill write all about it!!!

also, a sincere thanks to everyone whohas been reading my journal <3 atp i mostly just write for fun but its nice to see other people reading my journals as well!!!!

also, questioninf a dog theriotype..not sure if i mentioned but i think im.sort of small dog, not a past live though!


something literally MAGICAL just happened. it began to RAIN?? It may be august and we are almost 17 days in, but it has been so hot out lately and it hasnt gotten any better, but it just started raining?? it wasnt heavy rain at all, jusst sprinkling but you could see the ground was wet! it wasnt exactly cold though, but i take this as a sign from mother nature honestly!! its sort of like a refresh. im not sure how to explain it?

even tho at my old school i was openly a furry and i used to even do quads there, ill never do that here just for my own mental wellbeing lol and thats okay with me..i just want to be as authentic as i can be to myself!

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