Janurary, 15, 2024

8 1 0

5:11 PM

Happy VERY LATE new years!!! i mean atleast i said this within the month- but i have some thing to say finally!

I think I've found some sort of middle ground as a human and therian.. ive realized that i dont have to be like other therians (like those on tiktok or insta etc..) i mean wearing gear everywhere, publically expressing themselves as a therian and telling friends and family they are one! I feel a bit bad for doubting my therian identity just because I enjoyed living life as a regular teenager..because now i realize thats what i am! Im just a teenager.

But sometimes its nice to have my paws on the ground and in the grass just to feel free! Quadrobics is something that has become apart of me, even when i dont have the proper strength anymore to canter for minutes or to jump high! simply, its something that i just cant forget!

and thats what im reminded of when i leave my art on the wall and my tails on the wall!

I think i just fell out of line when my old old pack, storm banes, had fallen apart. i have my new pack now but..i feel like its not the same at all. my old packmate agrees

Anyways! i want to make new art for my walls! im not sure whqt to draw

7:33 PM

so- i forgot to mention this! but today after thinking for a while im like 99% sure of my psychological dog theriotype! i think i'm a basenji dog.

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