August, 2, 2023

6 1 0

Poodle hunting pic :3


Soo im at the airport right now with my mom,sister, and their friends so 2 more people! We woke up around 4am so I am pretty tired right now considering the fact i fell asleep around 12..i think? but more time to sleep on the plane i guess..although the plane ride isnt even that long lol but yk. i think its around only an hour.

I honestly thought that we wouldnt end up making it since we had to wait such a long time for my mom's friend and of course driving there takes a while too, but the security and scanning didnt take as long as i remembered it to be even when it looked like theres so many people! Its 6:06am right now and the flight is at 6:35 (but everyone knows that the plane departs like 15 years later lol)
Anyways, enough of that boring stuff! So, onto the therian side that is slightly more questioning a dog theriotype..again. Yes this is not my first time. but more of a psychological theriotype because i dont think i was one in my past life. I think Im a little dog like a Fiest or another little terrier! Or even a poodle, im not sure yet so i'll need to do more research before anything. Also on the topic of theriotypes, only three of those are even confirmed. my chipmunk,bengal cat, and timberwolf are confirmed! so that leaves stray cat and sand cat...i was recently thinking that i may be a dingo? or a jackal? i used to think i was a fennec fox, all i know i was a desert animal that did commicate with barks and ofc digged..but they all digged so thats not a big clue for me.

10:13 AM

i am so tired and hungry right now but we are currently in orange county!!! me and everyone else are in ihop right now for a quick break for food since we are all collectively starving lmao and i alr chose what i want! we are just waiting for the waiter to come back to order our food. fun fact, ive never had ihop before

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