June, 16, 2023

23 1 1


so much has happened!!! first off, i pulled an all nighter just so i could see her when it was light out and shes ADORABLE! shes so sweet! at first she was really scared but i could see she was also curious. i remained on the ground and she came to sniff me after some time. shes very playful and smart! when it gets cooler at around 5-6 ill take her on a walk! i want her to be less scared and ik my parks dont have many people so itll be less scary. id also like to go shopping for her! she def needs toy and new food bc no way im feeding ruby pedigree- no offense if you use it i guess.
i feel so bad for having to leave her outside when its so hot :( but nothing i can do. ik shed be out in a minute if i let her inside even if its just my room. but its okay! im so excited i just dont know what to say or do omg. tomorrow my friend, phiona, wants to.come over and see her. ig itll be good for her to meet others!
i also hung her leash in my room :3


right now im going to the store with my mom to get her new toys, leash, and a new collar! cuz her current one is raggedy.
i brushed out her fur with a comb since shes shedding and no matter what shes rowdy- like shes always climbing on me  and jumping and licking lmao. i think she just needs another dog friend to play with! i think today ill be taking her on her first walk in the neighborhood! i just wanna take it slow! i love her so much, i wanna see how everything goes!


i got her new toys and a new collar! i wanted to get her a rainbow one but mt mom said it was gay...okay then? anyways! i got her a cute pink collar and a new leash! now she has..3 leashes because the collar came with the leash. but its fine!
the first walk was actually very choatic lmao but its her first time so i dont expect much! i posted a video of her on my tiktok, ryestep!!!

i cant wait to do more with her tmrw!!! also, i was hoping to do vocals with her but she doesnt make any sounds- she barely barks and never howls lmao but thats actually a good thing! so much to do..but i only got her! thats all- bye!

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