The Crib

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Based On Real Life Events

After our last link up Nala & I had spoken to Destiny every day through our group chat and planned for her to come down and stay with us, but this time at our place so there wasn't any distractions or time limits in hotels. The nerves were soaring through my body even though we'd done the most but It was the fact we were just going to be chilling, talking and getting to know her more which made it that little bit more intense. It was a week before we were due to meet her so we relaxed like any other Saturday until the conversation came to seeing Destiny again. Since Thursday night Nala had tried her hardest to get the Sunday off work which nearly didn't happen until she spoke to her close friend who happened to be the manager on shift that day. We were both so excited and couldn't wait to get ready for the night ahead. It was so last minute but those were always the nights that turned out to be the best.

"Im just gonna phone her and tell her" Nala said as I cleaned around the house and she grabbed her phone. The nerves had set all the way in again and I could feel that wave in my stomach. It felt like we had no time so we took it in turns to have showers and do what we needed to again look good for Destiny.

"She's coming down after she's been out with her friend. You excited?" Nala said happily as we sat down on the sofa and smoked a spliff. Now she was due to come down we couldn't contain ourselves, it was like the anticipation was building up inside us both again and we couldn't cope. If you were to see Destiny, you'd know why. She's one of those women that can mesmerise you with her beauty not to mention those brown eyes will have you drawn in within seconds and her body was insane. Man, we were tripping. For the rest of the night we slowly pampered ourselves and got ready, waiting for her to pull up so we could get up close and personal. I'd decided to wear all black leggings with laced lingerie that left my breasts on show and my nipples poking through along with a black shirt that hung off my shoulders. It had been a minute since the first time we'd seen her so i was ready to tease them both up for as long as possible to make them want me that badly they take my ass to bed and give me what I wanted, which was rounds of passionate sex for hours.

"You take those out and I'll follow behind you" Nala said as I put my vans on and grabbed the key so I could get back into the house. Destiny was due any minute so I picked up the bags, headed downstairs an out the door towards the bins. It was early hours in the morning, 3-4am and the block was silent. I could see head lights shining from down the road so I approached the gate slowly while waiting to see if it was her. As soon as the light from inside the car came on I saw her pretty face and instantly smiled as she got out the car. My mind was blown the moment she flashed me that cheeky smile.

"Heyyyy" she shouted towards me so I greeted her back while opening the gate for her. I was still so shy when it came to this woman but I acted like I wasn't, she couldn't know what I was truly feeling or thinking, it was one of them things and I wasn't ready for her to know yet. She followed me around the corner to park up while I waited on the step. I swallowed hard, eyes lit up at how gorgeous she looked as she stepped up to give me a hug. She smelt amazing too, this was about to be a problem, but in a good way.
We chatted away as we headed through the door and upstairs. Nala hadn't come down so we strolled inside the house to find her.

"Guess who I found outside" I shouted as I kicked my vans off and headed inside to the living room to wash my hands. Nala wasn't in there so I headed to the bedroom to see if she was ready but she was stood half naked in boxers and a sports bra picking some clothes. I was practically dribbling at how sexy she looked.

"Destiny's here baby" I Purred happily before heading back into the living to Destiny. She'd brought the maggies which she'd mix with Fanta fruit twist so I poured her a drink while we stood in the kitchen chatting away. I was already tipsy from drinking the brandy and desperadoes we'd brought earlier in the day so I poured myself a drink and we headed over to the sofa to sit down. At first I felt insanely shy again but the more we sat back the more I relaxed. Nala was in and out in different outfits while I sparked up a spliff and handed it to Destiny. She'd been drinking already so her eyes were glazed which had me hot under the collar not to mention wetter than the ocean. They were both so fine, Nala was a stud and Destiny was a fem so for me I had the best of both worlds. I was actually loving life. After a little Nala was finally ready and had come into the living room to put the disco light in before sitting in between us so I got up to grab her the last bit of henny before making her another drink. The house felt like a club setting the way the lights were soaring around the room and the music was as loud as we could get it. Nala was DJ for the night so Destiny and I lay back, hand in hand smoking and drinking. We'd kiss passionately to tease Nala who was sat on the other side of the sofa. It was so sexy the way destiny would grip my face or throat and swirl and flick her tongue around mine while my hands explored her slender body over her clothes. Man, I was worked up and they both knew it by the way i'd pull back and shake my head dizzy in frustration. I'd never tried maggies before so Destiny gave me hers to try and it was actually tasty so I headed into the kitchen to make myself one while they sat on the sofa. As I sat back down I flung my shirt open and lay back just staring at them both with lust filled eyes, that's when Destiny and I would kiss again because Nala was trying her hardest to resist us both but the way we were locking lips had her over to us within seconds and before I knew it we were kissing, 3 tongues slithering around one another's which got us all hot and bothered. I loved the feel of their lips and tongues on mine, it had my pussy dripping wet and my body tingling, knowing that soon we were going to be intertwined for hours and I was ready to show them again how I put it down, but this time turning the heat up. At points I'd just stand in the kitchen dancing, slow whining, looking back at them watching me which turned me all the way on even more. I liked being watched like that as my body rolled like a snake, it made me feel wanted by both of them and I was ready to pounce so I headed Back over to them both for more kisses. That's when Nala ran her fingers over my nipples that were poking through the lace which started Destiny off to do exactly the same. The way their fingertips felt against my skin had me groaning lightly with a smirk on my face not to mention I had "come to bed eyes" through out too.

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