My Best Friends Wedding

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"Congratulations again! I wish you and Mel years of happiness together" I said as my focus turned to one of the bridesmaids that was whining her waist on the dance floor.

"You Have no chance with Sasha. For one she's boy crazy and 2 can you not fuck my bridesmaids" she laughed making me push up my lips trying not to laugh at what she'd said.

"I can't help it if they all wanna fuck me. You got some fine ass friends H" I smirked making her slap my arm, grab a glass of champagne and head over to her wife who was getting ready for the first dance. I just stood at the bar with my champagne, eyes fixated on Sasha who was heading my way. I was confident so as soon as she lent over the bar and ordered her drink I went to make my move..

"Let me guess. You think I'm nice and wanna get to know me" she said without me saying a word.

"Nah, I was gonna say let me buy your drink for you" I Shot back making her smile a little at my response. I knew I had my work cut out by the energy she gave off. It made me want her more..

"Anyway, I'm Chloe.. have a good night. Your boyfriends a lucky man" I Said as I lent in to hug her after paying for our drinks and walked off to join the circle forming around both brides who were ready to dance. I wasn't the type to bare all to a girl so I kept my distance knowing eventually she'd approach me..

"By the way.. I don't have a boyfriend" Sasha said as she strolled past me, shook her hips as she walked and smirked. I knew from that moment that was the green light but I wasn't gonna give in yet. I was gonna wait a little longer. The yellow dress she wore complimented her brown body so well which had my mind wondering as I stood watching my best friend slow dance with the love of her life. I had this warm fuzzy feeling fill my body for a second just picturing me getting married to whoever I fell in love with. Weddings always did that. Had you wondering what Love was like and wishing it was you. Once the dance was over I felt a hand slide into mine. It was Sasha pulling me to dance with her. Heather just gave me this "I cant believe it" look on her face which made me mouth "I told you" towards her.

"I hope you know how to dance" she said as she wrapped one hand around my shoulder and placed the other on my chest while my hands trailed to her hips.

"You'll soon find out" I Shot back as we slow stepped around the dance floor and I showed her my moves. I had her spinning into my arms which she seemed to love and by the end of the song she was faced back towards me, my arms wrapped around her waist and us both grinding in sync. My hands ran up her inner arms while hers were around my neck. It was getting so intense for me. I could feel my self getting wet the more my hands trailed back down her slender body. Damn, I wanted her badly..

"I can't believe you don't have a boyfriend" I whispered in her ear making her turn to face me and press her body back against mine. She didn't even reply we just shared this moment, staring back and forth from each other's lips just wondering if we were about to kiss or not. My hands found there way to her ass making her bite her lip at the feel of my touch. That's when she kissed me, pushing her warm tongue into my mouth which had me running both my hands up either side of her face to kiss her more deeply..

"I bet you loved that" she smirked as I opened my eyes and bit my lip.

"But you loved it more and you know it" I Shot back as we headed towards a spare table right at the back of the room with a bottle of champagne and 2 shots just watching everyone enjoy the night. We spoke for a while but my main focus was kissing her lips again. They were so full and suckable so I lent in and pushed my tongue into her mouth. This time she ran her hands up and on to my face so I placed my hand on her thigh and stroked her with my fingertips..

"Why am I getting wet like this for" she groaned between kisses as my hand got higher and higher. Hearing the words made my eye brows raise and her blush as I pulled back and looked into her piercing green eyes..

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