The Babysitter

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I'd got a text from Sabrina saying she couldn't make our date so I decided to phone Mel to see what she was doing. I could hear mom downstairs telling the new babysitter what time she'd be back so I headed downstairs to be nosy.

"Yes Shantz What you doing?" Mel said as she answered the phone.

"Was meant to go on a date but she cancelled. What you doin? Where you at?" I Shot back as I walked past mom and the mysterious babysitter who had her back to me so I continued on into the kitchen to speak to Mel.

"Nothing, drinking it is Friday. Scar's coming round later though. You wanna link up?"

"That's what I need. I was looking forward to seeing Sabrina but fuck it. Nah, you get ready for scar. I'll phone you tomorrow we'll go out" I Shot back as I grabbed a desperados out the fridge and opened the draw to find the bottle opener..

"Make sure your on it then. You always cancel last minute.. byeee boring" Mel laughed making me cut her off and put my phone in my pocket. She'd always call me boring which would piss me off because I knew she was right. I had got boring. I always stayed in the house and had no fun at all so tomorrow I was ready to wile out..

"Shantel!" mom shouted from the living room so I strolled in to see what she wanted.

"Shantel this is Natasha. She's gonna be looking after Tia and Daniel tonight. You still going on your date?" Mom asked making me think for a second while Natasha stared right at me. She had those protruding up turned green eyes that could make any girl get drawn in.

"You good yeah? With Sabrina? Yeah but not until later. Have fun tonight though mom and be careful it's a crazy world out there nowadays" I Shot back as I made my way to the stairs. I tried not to stare but Natasha was gorgeous and just my type. She had curls tighter than a corkscrew that bounced onto her shoulders, beauty spots and freckles that covered her face and the prettiest smile I'd ever seen not to mention she was covered in tattoos.

"Yeah I'm good. Good luck with your date" Natasha said smoothly making me glance back at her as I took a step up onto the stairs. Mom had left by now leaving us together while the kids played in they're rooms.

"It's not happening. I just said that to my mom so she wouldn't tell you to go" I replied confidently making her push up her lips trying not to smile.

"And why would you do that?" She asked as she walked towards me, took my drink out my hand and downed the whole bottle while she stared deep into my eyes..

"So that I don't have to look after the brats upstairs. They're hard work" I said smirking. I wasn't about to make her know I thought she was fine as hell so I slipped past her, pressing my body against hers which had her glancing at my lips..

"I better go" she mumbled making me feel her hot breath on my lips. She didn't move for a second and neither did I until we heard the kids arguing from upstairs breaking us out of one intense moment.

"Yeah, you better check on the kids" I mumbled back biting my lip and she headed upstairs. I strolled back to the kitchen to grab a few bottles of desperados so I could kick back in bed, get drunk watching shit TV and listen to the racket the kids would be making..

"I know you love fucking me.." I started singing as I made my way back up to my room. It was silent so I dropped the bottles in my room and went to check it out..

"Good night Natasha" the kids said in unison as she pushed me out the door and back onto the landing by my chest..

"They're in bed. Shhhh" She said sharply as she pushed me back towards my bedroom. I was wearing a vest so feeling her fingertips on my skin got me hot.

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