Tables Turned

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"You ready for tonight sis?" Marcel asked as we poured a bottle each of vodka into a bowl. He was making cocktails for the get together he was having with some of his friends.

"I might just stay in my room.. some of the girls you be around annoy me" I Shot back shaking my head. He just laughed as he added the rest of the mixers to the concoction..

"I know you like Kiera. You go on like you don't but since school days you know you fell in love with her" as he said the words Kiera popped into my head making me roll my eyes. Yeah, I mean she was fine as hell, everybody liked Kiera but she was cocky with it when she didn't need to be and as for me being in love.. those feelings were non existent anymore..

"Listen, everybody likes her but she's too cocky and has an attitude.. I can't be dealing with that. Omg you said you'd never bring that up again" I Shot back as I unscrewed a bottle of rose, poured myself a glass and took a big gulp..

"Besides... she's strictly dickly.. she made that real clear to my Friend Michaela.. not that it's any of my business though" I continued saying making his eyebrows raise and him smirk at the fact he was right. I blushed as I took another big gulp. He was on to me..

"Just go and get ready and be back down here before they get here, actually.. I'm gonna come up with you.. You know trey's coming right? " he said giggling as we headed upstairs and to my room. Yep, marcel was gay just like me but most of his friends were straight women. They adored him and it gave me a bit of eye candy whenever they were over at the house..

"Omg I love trey! He's so funny.. wait.. are you two linking?" As soon as I asked he covered his face and burst out laughing.

"I take that as a yes.. from school I knew he was gonna be gay.. you two always had chemistry" I Shot back as I sat on my bed and he walked towards the wardrobe..

"I thought that in school but if he did like me he kept it to himself and played the "straight" role a little too well if you ask me.. I think... you should wear this" he said as he handed me some baggy boyfriend jeans along with a Calvin Klein matching sports bra and boxers set and a denim jacket to match.

"Shoot your shot tonight.. what's the worst that's gonna happen? Should I have my hair up or leave it down?" I asked as I got dressed and stood in front of the mirror holding my hair up in a pony then letting it down to see what looked better..

"Years Of friendship lost but I like him a little too much, girl I'm stressed..
But anyway put it Up in a high ponytail with these hoops, this chain, that watch and those rings" he shot back as he passed me each item to put on.

"You know you should really be a stylist.. it would suit you" I Said smiling as I checked myself in the mirror and he hugged me from behind.

"I gotta go get ready.. I'll see you downstairs" he Shot back so I nodded and he made his way out the room. I was ready so I headed downstairs and put some music on loud while I poured a stronger drink. We'd filled up the house with liquor for tonight so I pulled out the Hennessy, cracked it open and poured a big glass mixed with lemonade. I was ready to get wavy so that's what I did for the next half an hour until the door knocked..

"I'll get it!" I shouted from the bottom of the stairs to Marcel before opening the door to see Kiera stood in front of me with about 4 other girls..

"Oh, it's you" I said rolling my eyes and heading back to the kitchen.

"Your so rude.. you know that? Where's Marcel?" She said as she placed her bag on the kitchen counter and took off her coat. For a minute I couldn't help but scan her head to toe. She looked amazing in her off the shoulder, yellow skin tight dress that complimented her curvaceous figure perfectly.

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