The Next Door Neighbour

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Moving into my new house had been stressful but worth it once it had been fully decorated. The only problem I had was with the water system which wasn't working correctly. I'd got to know my neighbours on both sides but was closer to Carla. She was exactly ten years older than me and was married. She was hardly around as she travelled for business so most weekends she'd have drinks with her friends or barbecues.

"Good morning" she shouted across from her door so I greeted her back. She was wearing a silk robe that split across showing her thighs. I couldn't help but stare for a minute at how good she looked but I shook it off, waved at her then headed to have a shower, but yet again my water wasn't working so I got dressed, put my towel, some fresh clothes and a toothbrush in a bag and headed around to Carla's to see if I could have a shower there.


As soon as she opened the door she invited me into the house. I hadn't been inside but it was gorgeous.

"Your house is lovely" i said gasping as I looked around the room. She just sat there, robe half open watching me so I sat opposite her and put my bag on the floor.

"I was gonna ask.. could I maybe use your shower? My water isn't working and I need to freshen up for work" I said softly. This smile crept across her face as she got up, nodded and led me to the bathroom. She had the maddest sex appeal and I was mesmerised by the way she swung her hips as she walked away. I'd never been with an older woman but the way she was walking around had me wanting to fuck her brains out. Getting into the shower the water felt so good against my skin so I washed myself, closed my eyes and let the water trickle dos. Every inch of my body until I felt hands on my waist so I turned around to see Carla naked, pulling me towards her.

"You ever been with a woman predominantly older than You before?" She asked, seductively as she pushed me up against the wet tiles, flung my arms above my head and started sucking my nipples, switching back and forth making me groan at the feel of her tongue on me.

"No... but I've fantasised about it" I groaned making her lick up my chest to kiss my lips. Now she was holding both of my wrists with one hand while she scratched down my stomach making my body jerk like crazy with the other. Her kisses blew my mind and the way she sucked my tongue had me yearning for it to be my clit.

"Do you know how many times I've fucked myself over you?" She whispered into my mouth making me cry out at the thought of her fucking herself.

"Show me what you do to yourself" I whispered back making her grab my hand to lead me to her bedroom. My pussy non stop throbbed as she climbed on to the bed, opened her legs wide, pushed two fingers inside and fucked herself hard and fast. That's when I knelt in front of her to get a closer look of her fingers sliding in and out while I trailed my fingers up her thighs slowly.

"Your wife's missing out" I groaned frustratedly as I gripped her thighs, pinned her legs back as far as they could go and thrusted her s couple of times while she slipped her wet fingers into my mouth to suck all her juices off.

"Mmm you taste so good" I purred as I tapped her clit making her sit up and suck my tongue again while I teased her with my fingers, occasionally entering her just slightly making her cry out for me to push them inside her, so that's exactly what I did, massaging her sensitive spots while she licked and sucked my nipples.

"Suck it just like that babe mmmm yeah" I moaned out as we locked eyes and she made her way down my body so I lay on my elbows, legs spread just watching her bite down my stomach until she got to my pussy.

"Mmm your pussy's so tight" she gasped as she pushed two fingers inside me and started pounding my entrance. All I could do was scream at that point. She was way more experienced than I was and the way she was twisting her fingers inside me had my ass up in the air for her to eat me at the same time.

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