Double Trouble

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Being fresh out the closet I was ready to hit my first all female strip club that had just opened in town. Most of my friends had been out for years so they knew exactly where to take me. The line was so long I'd never seen one like it before so waiting for half an hour we finally got inside. I felt like I was in my element as we walked through the club and a sea of women surrounded me. It was surreal because I didn't know clubs like this existed but I was loving the fact there were no men around.

"Do you know how lucky you are right now?" Dee said to me laughing as we grabbed our drinks and made our way to the dance floor. She was taken, had been for the last 4 years so she was living life through me right now..

"Gotta find me a cutie tonight" I shouted back as I moved my body to the beat and got lost in the music. I loved to dance so for the majority of the night that's what we did. I danced with a couple of girls that were around us until I saw these two dancers on stage. At first I thought they were twins but Dee said they were best friends who looked crazy similar.

"Give me both of em" I laughed making Dee Slap my shoulder and pull me towards the stage. I didn't know at this point of the night they'd pull someone up and give them a lap dance so once we got to the front they noticed me instantly and pulled me up on stage..
The lights dimmed down, the music started playing and I had one of them behind me and the other in front of me dancing so seductively against me..
At one point I'd forgot we were on quite a high stage that was rammed with people around it just watching them dance on me until I took my eyes off them and looked around. I saw Dee and the girls woo'ing and cheering so I turned my focus back to them then she finally spoke to me..

"You ever been with 2 women at the same time?" She whispered as she straddled me and started whining her waist on me while the other ran her hands up and down my chest with her face buried into my neck.

"Never but it's on my to do list" I replied cockily making her stare straight In my eyes and smirk as she stood up and they both walked away so I stepped down, took my drink off Dee, Downing it because they'd just turned me all the way on for the last 3 minutes and I needed some loving..

"Come lets go get drunk.. it's last orders" Dee said to us all so we walked through the crowd and to the bar. I hadn't seen the dancers since so I decided to try and get real wavy before we had to leave in half an hour. We took shot after shot like we usually did which had my vision kinda hazy..

"Turn around" Dee said to me making me turn instantly to see who was behind me. It was the two dancers from earlier who were now dressed with their bags on their shoulders. There names were Nat & Shola and they were best friends. Until it was time to go we chatted away, danced and drank. We'd all got hotels booked that were literally all next door to each other so we decided to take the party back there.

"Me and my friends are going back to our hotel.. you wanna come too?" I asked them both making them hook my arms either side and say "lead the way" so I did. Dee and the girls followed behind while I got to know these two a little better. As soon as we got through the hotel main doors and into the lift they huddled real close into me with their arms around my neck. Everyone was bantering about Dee getting grilled when she got to her room because her girl had been waiting for her to come back since 2 and it was now 4am..

"Can we drop our bags in your room" Shola said softly so I led them to my room, opened the door and sat on the bed for a second while they dropped their bags and both used the bathroom. They'd been in there a while and The liquor had kicked in properly by now so I lay back and took 5 minutes to chill. My eyes were closed so once I felt there hands slide across my stomach they instantly popped open.

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