My Best Friend

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Shelly had been my closest friend since I could remember. We'd gone through school and college together. Since I'd come out as a lesbian she had been the only one to stand by me. Most of my friends drifted away from me so I was grateful she accepted me for who I was meant to be. It was Saturday which meant we were going too the club to see if she could find herself a man. She'd been single for 2 Years by choice so she was looking for a fuck buddy to fore fill her needs.

"Do you have to go?" Mel groaned as we lay there, our bodies intertwined while she stroked my face. We'd been messing around for about 2 weeks. She was definitely more into me by the way she acted. I wasn't looking for anything serious so I had to find a way of cutting it off before I hurt her feelings anymore than I was about too..

"Yeah, Shelly wants me to go out with her tonight so I gotta go and get ready" I replied then climbed out of bed, got ready and said my goodbyes to her. The day had flew by so as soon as I got home I ran myself a bath and phoned Shelly..

"Yesss bitch" She shrieked Down the phone making me pull the phone away from my ear for a second while I squirted the bubble bath directly under the hot tap.

"And why are you so happy?" I questioned making her laugh down the phone a little..

"Nothing I'm just excited to go out tonight. Please tell me your still coming?" She asked as I turned it on loudspeaker while I undressed..

"Of course I'm still coming. You can't go anywhere without me" I said confidently as I put the phone on top of my towel and stepped into the steaming hot water..

"That's true. We're joined at the hip. Meet me outside the club in an hour and don't be late" she replied as I lay back and let out a sigh of relief as the water soothed my muscles..

"I won't.. I'm in the bath I'll phone you when I'm on my way"

"Okay babe, bye" she said then hung up so I relaxed for a little while i was in my own space because I knew tonight was going to be a wild one. Once I was out and dry I pulled my boyfriend jeans out along with a matching denim jacket and a black crop top. I'd decided to style my hair half up, half down wavy with big hooped earrings and 2 chains. I was feeling myself so as I waited for the taxi I sent Shelly a few snaps of myself with the caption "waiting for my taxi". She instantly replied "looking sexy best friend" which made me smirk a little. The whole taxi ride there we were texting back and forth until I got out and found her waiting where we'd agreed. I didn't recognise her at first because she'd got a dress and heels on which had me shocked..

"Whattttt" She asked as she hugged me.

"You look good" I replied making her giggle as we walked inside the club and headed straight to the bar to get drinks. It was packed out as we made our way to the 2nd floor and found a spot on the dance floor..

"Come On you, lets dance" she shouted over the music then grabbed my hand so I spun her around so her back faced me, pulled her close by her hips and started grinding my body against hers. At one point I'd got lost in the moment. I wasn't used to her wearing dresses so her bent over infront of me had me biting my lips but I shook it off once the song ended and we continued to dance separately for the remainder of the night. She'd met a couple of boys she was interested in but not enough to take home so we decided to leave the club and get some pizza. We were wasted by this point so once it was cooked we strolled up the road hand in hand like we usually did to go and get a taxi..

"You know what I need?" She slurred as we jumped into the black cab and tucked into the food..

"Nah. What do you need girl?" I replied as I continued to eat my pizza, glancing back and forth from her waiting to hear what she had to say with her drunk self..

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