The Urge

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"What time's your roommate back?" I asked as Ell and I sat under the covers in bed watching tv..

"In a few hours probably. She's on a date tonight"

"Okay cool. Just going toilet" I replied and slipped out of bed. She just smiled and nodded so I made my way to the bathroom and locked the door. I was feeling a little too horny lying in bed with her so I had to come and shake it off. I hadn't had sex for a year so my pussy wanted to get fucked and my body kissed on. Once I'd washed my hands I made my way back to the bedroom. I'd left the door slightly open so I peaked through to see her moaning, eyes fixated on her phone and her biting her lip..

"I'm back" I Said bursting through the door. I startled her making her pull her hand from under the covers and suck her fingers. I had this intrigued look on my face as I slid back into bed which made her laugh shyly..

"You caught me" She replied softly making me turn onto my side to face her while she laid on her back.

"Doing what exactly?" I asked with a smirk on my face. I knew what she was doing. I just wanted her to tell me. I was horny as it was so if she was down to fuck So was I.

"Touching myself to this" She shot back as she picked her phone up and showed me a video of an all girl orgy. I instantly bit my lip as I watched 6+ girls fucking on the screen. I never knew this side of her. She was usually so reserved not that I was complaining though..

"That's what i need right now. My pussy sucked. It's been a whole year" I sighed in frustration. My pearl was pulsating to be touched the more I watched the video.

"Damn.. you must be horny as shit right now.. maybe we could put this on the big screen and fuck to it?" She asked making me glance at her and bite my lip. She was freaky. I liked it. I also liked the fact she didn't think about it too much. We were friends but in that moment we both wanted to get fucked.

"You ain't got no panties on? Mmm" I gasped as I lifted up the blanket to find her completely naked from the waist down so I slid my underwear off and pulled her back on to me. Instantly she wound her waist in circles slowly making me grip her hips and bite her shoulders while she sorted out the tv..

"Let me find one that's just right" she giggled as I slid my tongue up and down her neck while my hand trailed down the back of her thighs and ass cheeks. I hadn't touched a girl in so long. Her skin was so soft and smelt like vanilla. I wanted her whole body in my mouth..

"Yeah, this one. These 2 fuck so good" she groaned as I glanced up to see two slim thick girls kissing and touching on each other. My pussy instantly gushed with juices as we watched the tv and i slowly took her bra off..

"You watch them fuck while I focus on you" I whispered then sucked her ear lobe making her groan out and grab my face to hers while I pinched her nipples. I could feel her breath against my lips so I pecked them a few times while she teased me by grinding on me..

"Give me your hand" she panted into my mouth so I did and she slid it between her legs and flung the blanket off us both so I could see her body up close. She was using my hand to please herself. It was such a sexy thing to watch. Especially when your fingers slip and slid with ease. After a few minutes I turned her onto her back, slid my fingers back between her lower lips and pushed them deep inside her while I swirled my tongue around each nipples. Her hands ran into my hair to guide me to each of her breasts.

"Your so tight ell" I groaned out as I picked up the pace and rubbed her pearl with my thumb while I passionately kissed her. Her moans mixed with the moans from the tv had me weak inside and my body yearning to be touched..

"Your fingers feel so fucking good inside me" she panted back making me lift my head back up and suck her lips while I pounded her tight, slippery pussy for a few more minutes and stared deep into her eyes.

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