Holiday Romance

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"Welcome to Ibiza" our guide said as we stepped off the coach. I stood there for a second breathing in the hot air. It always smelt so different to back home in England.

"Meet downstairs in an hour for pre drinks?" Annie shouted from down the hallway so we agreed and headed inside to get ready. I decided to dress casual tonight so I could really enjoy myself so I threw on some high waisted shorts, a black slim strapped crop top along with some custom made air max's and my hair wrapped tight in a bun. Once we were both ready we made our way downstairs and too the bar. Annie and Asia were sat down already with some cocktails for us so we joined them and started the pre party. All the girls were taken accept for me so they'd decided all to be my wing-women even though I didn't need any help in that department. I was confident, sometimes cocky if I was attracted someone and the ladies seemed to love it.

"She's just your type" Asia said as her eyes travelled behind me so I turned my whole body round in my seat to see who she was looking at.

"Who? I can't see where your looking" I replied as I scanned tables making Asia stand up, put her arm around my shoulders and point to this mysterious dark haired woman that was stood at the doors with her back facing towards us. The first thing I noticed when she finally turned around was her beaming smile which made us glance at each other with that "she's so fine" look on our faces as she she sat back down opposite me..

"She's definitely not into girls" I Said as I downed my drink and poured another one from the pitcher..

"How do you know? Go find out" Annie said leaning forward which made me laugh.

"Alright" I smirked then stood up and made my way over to the mysterious woman that was still stood by the doors. Each time I glanced back the girls were fixated on me giggling which had me giving them the finger until I banging into the door that she was holding open making me groan "owww" as I held my knee..

"Are you okay?" I heard her say as she held my arm and sat me down on the chair. I could tell she wanted to laugh as she knelt down to check out my knee. She knew a lot of English but her Spanish came through which had me weak inside..

"Yeah I'm okay. I should really look where I'm going" I Said as I glanced over at the girls who were in hysterics at the fact I'd buckled up..

"Yeah that's gonna bruise" she laughed as she stood up and sat down opposite me just gazing at me for a second which made me lean forward to stare back. She had beauty spots and freckles all over her face which I found so beautiful. For the next 5 minutes We spoke about how long I was here and what the night life was like.
I couldn't help but stare at her plump red lips as she continued speaking. I got lost in a trance for a second just picturing what I'd do to her in the bedroom.

"I'll see you later.." she whispered, kissed my cheek and walked off inside. I just followed her with my eyes, jaw slightly dropped as she swung her hips. She glanced back a few times flashing me those pearly whites so I blew her a kiss and headed back over to the girls.
For the next 2 hours we drank and drank then decided to head to the strip and continue enjoying our night..
After drinking in most bars we ended up at the club that was open until 6am.

"Oh shit" I mumbled as I felt a hand caress my ass making me twist around instantly to see who was grabbing on me. A smile grew across my face as I realised it was the girl from the hotel..

"Fancy seeing you here" I Said as I lent into her neck so she could hear me. I instantly felt her breathing get heavier against my face which made me smirk..

"I was hoping we'd bump into each other" she replied as we strolled out the club behind the girls. The beach was right opposite so we jumped over the wall, sat down and took our shoes off to put our feet in the sand while the girls chose to go skinny dipping in the sea.

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