The Coffee Shop

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Later tonight I was going on a date with this girl I'd met in the coffee shop a few months ago called Chelsea.. There was a fun fair going on at one of the main parks so we decided we were gonna go. She was Different to the other girls I'd dated from appearance to mentality and I was Lusting badly for her.
We'd exchanged messages, pictures and videos everyday which had me fantasising about her like crazy. I'd even touched myself over her a few times which she knew nothing about but today I was gonna tell her how much I wanted to be riding her face..

*knock knock knock knock*

I could hear the door so i dashed downstairs to open it and there she was smiling back at me..

"Hey babes" is all she said and I melted inside as she stepped through the door and stood in the hallway. All I had to do was grab my coat and we could leave. The park was walking distance from my house so we decided to take a nice stroll while we chatted away. There was a lot of flirting going on which had her wrapping her arms around my shoulders as we walked, kissing my cheek, holding my hand you name it she was really showing me off which had me smiling like a Cheshire Cat.

"Before we go in.." I started saying making her lead me to the bench to sit down..

"I just wanna say.. well I like you more than I should at this point" I carried on saying making her shuffle closer to me, wrap her arm around my shoulder and pull me towards her..

"I like you too" She whispered into my mouth making me glance up from her pink lips to her gorgeous green eyes. The fireworks display was in full swing by now which made the timing perfect for our first kiss. Her lips were so soft as she pressed them against mine and the feel of her tongue had my stomach doing flips with butterflies floating inside. My head started spinning the deeper we got into the kiss and she ran her hand up my inner thigh..

"be my girl" she said between kisses making me peck her lips once more then pull back to look at her pretty face..

"Yeah I will" I replied blushing making her slide her hand around my neck and pull me in for another kiss. This time it was more intense then before and she certainly didn't hold back like she did which had me groaning into her mouth while I gripped her neck..

"Your a good kisser mmm" I Said giggling as I wiped my lipgloss off her lips while she gazed into my eyes looking like she was in love. She'd made the happiest girl alive and I couldn't wait to get into the park and have some fun with her. We went on every ride you could think of leaving the big wheel until last. It was massive and took at least 10 minutes to get around because it stopped at the top while people got out below..

"Wow look at the view babe.. it's beautiful" I Said in awe as I looked around to take it all in. I was usually scared of heights but with her right next to me that fear had disappeared..

"Not as beautiful as you" she replied softly making me smile wide and rub my nose against hers while she ran her hand up my thigh again then squeezed it. I was in a naughty mood so I undid my jeans, grabbed her hand and slid it into my underwear. Her eyes widened as she felt my juices flood her fingers. Now she was my girl I was ready for her to touch me, tease Me, lick me in places I'd never been licked before.

"Make me cum for you" I groaned into her ear while she rubbed my clit in circles with all her fingers while the tips of them slipped inside me a little. We were coming to the top now were it would stop for a couple of minutes so I held her wrist, she slid her fingers inside me and rode them gently until I came. Not once did I take my eyes off her,staring at her lips which I wanted glued to my Pussy permanently..

"Your so naughty" she whispered making me lock her fingers against my clit with my thighs while we sloppy kissed for another minute. I wound my waist in a circle feeling her fingers slip in and out of my lips which had me moaning quietly "I want you" into her mouth..

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