Home Visit'

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"Lauren Michaels Speaking" I Said as I grabbed my wine glass and headed to the living room to put my feet up.

"Hi Lauren. It's Jess the masseuse you had last time. I've had a cancellation so I'm going to be heading over earlier as your my last client. Is that okay?"

"Oh hey Jess! Yeah that's perfectly fine. Everything's ready for when you get here. I'll see you soon"

"Okay. Bye" she shot back and hung up so I put my phone down and downed my wine so I could have another glass. I'd scheduled the day off for tomorrow so tonight I was gonna unwind and get drunk for the first time in 2 months..


I heard at the door so I placed my wine glass down and strolled through to let her in.

"Had a long day?" She asked as I grabbed my glass along with the bottle and led her upstairs to the spare room..

"Yeah, a really long day. I lost a big client today and on top of that my date fell through" I sighed as I sat on the massage bed and watched her place her coat over the chair. She was quite shy and it intrigued me. While she sorted her oils out I poured myself another glass and downed it in one. I let my dressing gown drop to the floor leaving me completely naked in front of her..

"Where's your boyfriend tonight?" I asked as I lay flat on my stomach and she covered my ass with a towel..

"No boyfriend. I'm trying to figure out my sexuality right now so I'm steering clear of men" she shot back as she squirted the oil onto my shoulders.

"Good to know" I giggled confidently as I glanced back at her to see her reaction. She couldn't contain her smile which had me feeling cheeky.
As soon as her fingers touched my back tingles Shot Through my body. I didn't know if being drunk emphasised the feel of her hands on me but my pussy started pulsating the closer her fingertips got to my bare breasts as she circled my spine with her thumbs..

"That feels so good" I Purred making her giggle at my moans and groans as she slid her hands over my ass and lifted the towel up a little to massage my thighs. Now I was really getting wet at the fact her fingers were inches away from my pussy. I was hoping she wouldn't feel my sticky nectar dripping down my inner thighs and freak out..

"Not to sound forward but your body is banging" she blurted out making me glance back at her to watch her massage just under my ass cheeks which had me biting my lip subconsciously..

"Yeah, not bad for someone who's 35" I Shot back as I watched her hands get lost between my thighs to massage them while she stared into my eyes for a minute. I couldn't contain how good it felt so I lay back down so she could finish off. I was full of oil so I grabbed my dressing gown off the chair, wrapped it around me and grabbed the wine..

"Fancy a drink?" I asked with a cheeky grin on my face. She agreed straight away so we headed back downstairs and into the living room to get comfortable. I didn't even get glasses we drank it straight out the bottle while we sat there and we spoke about our work, our love life, why We didn't have a partner and lastly sex. I could tell she was flirting with me but I didn't wanna come off to strong so I held back a little..

"Ive never cum from head before. Ive got an idea" She slurred as she stretched out and put her legs across my lap with a mischievous look on her face..

"Seen as you don't have work tomorrow why don't we spend the next 24 hours together doing whatever it is we wanna do" she followed on saying making me swig some wine while I thought about it..

"Wait. What? Like never? What is it you wanna do exactly?" I asked seductively as I handed her the bottle and she took a big gulp. From what we'd spoke about she'd never been with a woman before but she'd always wanted to explore. It was fine my me. I loved fucking straight women, they'd always be back for more..

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