The Sex Room

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"Janel! Have you took my perfume again?" Sandy shouted from outside my door. She was my older sister who clearly didn't like sharing her stuff. We lived together so us using each other's stuff was a normal thing..

"No... but I know your gonna come in here and have a look" I shouted back making her swing the door open, give me the middle finger and search my room. I actually hadn't got her perfume.. this time.

"hmmm if I find out you've got it.. watch!" She Hissed as she walked past and slapped me on the arm before leaving my room. I couldn't wait to get out the house tonight. There was an event that I'd attend every month.
Not many people new about it at all but the nights were always wild as fuck..


*shorts calling*

My face immediately lit up just seeing her name flash up on my screen. She was someone I'd met at the event a few months ago but never actually linked properly but I wanted to so badly. For a second I let it ring while I cleared my throat to answer..

"What's good babe?" She said in that sexy ass tone I liked making me bite my lip..

"Just chilling in bed until later.. you out tonight?" I asked as I put some music on to get me in the mood even though I was already excited enough..

"In bed yeah? Now you got me thinking.. only if your gonna be there.." she Shot back smoothly making me giggle down the phone like a teenager over her first ever crush.

"And what would you be thinking hm? Well I might go.. nah, I'm playing of course I'm going.. there's a few rooms I wanna take a look inside.. especially the sex room.. I heard it's wild as fuck"

"I'm thinking about you all over me under those sheets but that's all I'm gonna say.. I've went in there once about 6 months ago.. its got separate rooms like it would a strip club so if you want some privacy you draw the curtain or if your freaky every one can watch.."

"Mm.. well too add to your fantasy I'm completely naked under here.. maybe later we can go to the sex room together.. make it reality" as I said the words I covered my eyes like she was in the room. Was I being to forward? I was hoping not because we had chemistry and I didn't wanna scare her off even though she wasn't the kind of girl to judge someone and run..

"I'll make sure I'm ready for you then.. I gotta go, I'm about to finish work but I'll see you later yeah babe?"

"Yeah Boo.. I'll be in my usual booth so come and find me"

"Aight babe.."

"Bye" I Shot back and hung up the phone. I lay back staring at the ceiling ecstatic at how the phone call just went. I'd been trying to shoot my shot for months but I was too shy so I was happy with myself for finally doing it..
Throughout getting ready I'd check my phone to see if she'd messaged but she hadn't. She wasn't even my girl and I was doing the most so I put my phone in my clutch bag and continued getting ready until my friend Yasmin decided to turn up. I made sure I looked 10/10 for when I saw Shorts. I even wore makeup which was rare.

"Where you going looking like that?" My sister said as I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab a bottle of wine. I just rolled my eyes at her. She would always judge me even though she'd say she was playing but I knew deep down she wasn't. She was way more reserved than I was. She didn't have boyfriends, she'd just work 24/7. We were polar opposites..

"To the club to meet someone.. you should try it sometime.. it might loosen you up" I Shot back laughing as I poured two glasses and slid one across the table to her. Before she could answer the bell rang so I strolled to down the hallway and to the door to see Yasmin stood there smoking.

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