My First Time

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"Sarah, I need to talk to you" I whispered to my sister so we excused ourselves from the Family BBQ and headed inside the house. I'd been working up the courage to tell her that I was no longer into men and I was a lesbian. I'd tried to have boyfriends in the past but I felt like something was always missing.

"I dunno how to tell you this. I don't want you to look at me any differently" I said swallowing hard as I dropped my head to the floor and twiddled my thumbs together..

"Why would I? Your my sister.. tell me" she said as she sat down at the kitchen table so I sat down and worked back up the courage to come out and say it..

"I like girls" I blurted out but her expression didn't change. She just smiled which had me confused..

"Do you think we all don't know that? Why would that change my view of you, aslong as your happy is all that matters" she shot back re-assuring me. My whole body relaxed hearing the words.

"You don't know how relieved I am to here you say that..tell mom and dad I'm going out for a bit. I've got a date"

"Ohhhh Lauren you got a date. Show me a picture of her" she asked with an intrigued look on her face making me roll my eyes, pull my phone out my jeans and scroll through my pictures to find one of Eva. In the lesbian world she would be identify as a stud. She had braids, wore baggy clothes, not to mention she was as confident as they come and had every girl wanting to be with with her. It was her eyes that would hypnotise me each time I saw her around.

"Yeah she's cute.. I'll tell mom and dad go have fun. I want all the juicy details when you get back tonight" (Sarah)

"That's the thing.. I'm not coming back tonight. She's got a hotel so I'll be back in the morning" I replied blushing making her raise her eyebrows at me and tease me about Eva. I just rolled my eyes with the biggest smile on my face as I left the kitchen and made my way upstairs to get ready. For the next 2 hours I dolled myself up making sure my hair and make up was immaculate.
I wasn't confident enough to wear a dress so I pulled my favourite high waisted black jeans out along with a red off the shoulder crop top that had ruffles around the edges that matched perfectly with my Louis Vuitton stilettos that had been collecting dust.

"LAUREN IM GOING OUT DO YOU NEED A LIFT ANYWHERE?" Sarah shouted from the bottom of the stairs so I grabbed my over night bag and made my way downstairs. I was nervous as hell walking out the door and into the car and I couldn't shake it off. It felt like my first time ever going on a date. I felt giddy with butterflies.
Eva had been texting me non stop so I messaged her telling her I was nearly outside the hotel and to be outside when I got there.

"Why am I this nervous" I mumbled as I checked my lipstick in the mirror then applied some more. Sarah just laughed "your gonna be fine.. is that her?" Making me turn my focus to the road and there she was. Stood with head down on her phone so Sarah flashed her lights, she approached the car and opened the car door for me to step out. They spoke for a minute while I got the bag out the boot. She immediately took it off me so she could carry it for me which I found refreshing.

"Bye girls, have fun I'll pick you up tomorrow Lauren" she shouted over the music so we waved her off and strolled over the road to the hotel. At first we didn't speak I just kept noticing her slow down so she could walk behind me to check me out. Her confidence was on 100 which had me blushing like crazy making my cheeks as red as tomatoes.

"Why'd you ask me on a date?" I asked as we stepped into the lift and the doors closed..

"You seem different to the other girls I've messed around with. I've been tryna date you for a whole year now and you've shot me down. That's never happened before" she started saying as I watched the numbers go up and up. This place had 12 floors with a penthouse suit at the top so once I'd realised that's where we were headed I glanced at her with the biggest smile on my face..

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