The Barmaid

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"She's so fine.. you reckon she likes girls?" I laughed making Marcus scrunch up his face like he usually would each time I'd ask him which was quite a lot. She was about 5'6, had long black hair, hazel eyes with two dimples that popped out when she smiled, freckles and nails that went on for days..

"Nah, you can tell she likes dick.. watch this" he said making me smirk just watching him lean over the bar so he could talk to her as she passed us our drinks..

"You got a boyfriend?" He said confidently making her glance up at him and smirk.

"No girlfriend either" she said catching eyes with me as I sucked the liquor through the straw with my eyebrows raised. At that moment I knew she liked girls too. Marcus was stunned just standing there as she disappeared around the other side of the bar so we made our way outside into the garden to smoke a cigarette..

"How you up in a straight club and still getting the women like that?" He asked still shocked as we sat down and scanned the garden to see if we knew anyone but we didn't.Half way through the conversation the bartender sat down next to me so I sat back and downed my drink..

"I heard you when you said I was fine you know.. I'm Celia" she said pushing up her lips at me making me blush a little at the fact she'd heard me but I was wasted by this point so I let her know straight up..

"Good. I wanted you too.. Danielle" I replied smirking making her raise her eyebrows back as she lit her cigarette and blew the smoke in my face..

"You know what that means don't you?" I followed on saying making her mouth open slightly and her tongue slither out as she stared in my eyes..

"Mmm it means I wanna kiss you but I can't here" she replied then bit her lip making me sit forward so no one could hear our conversation..

"What time do you finish?" I asked making her check her watch to see what the time was.

"I finish in half an hour.. wait for me yeah?" She replied blushing then dropped her cigarette on the floor..

"Yeah.. meet me out front.. I'll be waiting" I shot back as we stood up and she lent in for a hug. Her perfume hypnotised me as she gripped me tighter. She was wearing Chanel which was one of my favourite scents out there..

"Okay" she said as she pulled away then made her way inside so I headed over to Marcus to tell him what was going down but he was busy kissing the girl he went to talk to so I headed inside to grab another drink. A few men tried to talk to me but I blew them off instantly. The only reason I was in this club was for Marcus to find himself a girl for the night. Within that half an hour I had 3 shots of sambuca along with two Jack Daniel's with coke so My head was pretty much spinning by now.

"Where did you go?" Marcus said in my ear as he put his hands on my shoulders making me jump then sigh in relief that it was him..

"To drink.. you want one before we go?" I slurred making him shake his head laughing while he lent over the bar. I just scanned the room until I saw the bartender right in front of me with the biggest smile on her face..

"I need to get on your level" she laughed as we stood at the bar and she ordered another 3 shots for all of us..

"Finished early to come see me yeah?" I laughed back making her place her hand on my shoulder while we chinged shot glasses, downed our drinks and made our way to the exit.

"Lemme go see if she wants to come back with us" Marcus said as he spotted the girl he liked so we waited outside the club to smoke another cigarette..

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