One Night Stand

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Being single I was ready to go out for my birthday and turn up with all the pretty women so we got into the taxis that were booked and headed to the club. All the girls were hyping me up the whole way which made made the journey seem like 5 minutes when in fact it was almost thirty. Getting to the club we paid and made our way inside. It was an all women's club so as we walked through the double doors and walked through there was eyes on us so we strutted through the dance floor and to the bar to grab some drinks but Mimi pulled me towards the V.I.P section which had balloons and other birthday accessories around the booth which were so cute. They even had the bottle girls bring over champagne, Hennessy and Grey Goose with sparklers which really made it feel like a movie so I started dancing along with the girls until they placed the bottles down and left the booth.

"Ouuu! She's Beautiful!" I shouted to Mimi making her come towards me and follow my finger with her eyes. There was this girl I noticed, long straight black hair down to her ass, dancing around in a little black dress with a circle of people around her.

"Yeah.. She's nice!" Mimi replied laughing. She'd known me the longest and knew I was a sucker for pretty women. The girl had noticed us looking so I smiled and nodded my head as if to say "come over" which made her giggle to her friend, them both glance back and forth then walk over to the booth. I was a confident person so walking over introducing myself wasn't a problem and it didn't seem a problem for her either.

"What you drinking?" I asked her while we walked towards the girls. They were just staring as we sat down and turned into each other.

"Whatever your drinking" she shot back making me catch eyes with her and push my lips up smirking. I poured us both a glass of champagne and chinged to the night ahead. We didn't really speak we just danced real closely, hands all over her, her hands all over me, her twerking on me then whining which had the anticipation growing inside as she turned to face me and our cheeks brushed one another's while she moved her body like a snake against me. The sexual chemistry oozed out of us the more drunk we became. Both entranced by one another to the point we'd both forgotten about our friends but we could hear them partying hard beside us so we continued what we were doing until she whispered in my ear..

"We're going to my hotel" so I grabbed her hand and we snook out of the V.I.P section and out of the club. The whole walk to the hotel we still couldn't keep our hands off each other. My Pussy was thumping at the thought of her skin against mine and I was dripping wet. As soon as we got to the room I pulled her towards me and kissed her while gripping her cheeks under her dress. We stumbled to the bed, groaning lightly, still deep kissing while we undressed each other then slipped under the sheets.

"I don't usually do this" she groaned between kisses making me stop in my tracks to look at her for a minute. She had the most beautiful hazel eyes I'd ever seen.

"Neither do I" I replied smiling making her bite her lip, pull me down on top of her and kiss me again. This time I slid my hand down on to her breasts and played with her nipples while I opened her legs with my knees. I could feel her juices against my thighs so I knew she was wet as fuck and it made me dribble at the thought of swallowing every last drop. Her moans filled the room as I swirled my tongue around each nipple while running my hand down her stomach and to her wet pussy. My fingers slid with ease as I rubbed her clit in circle motions, lightly at first making her thrust her hips back and forth against them. This was the first time I'd had sex in six months so feeling on a woman, especially being as sexy as she was had me filled up with lust, I was about to pop!

"That feel good hmmm?" I panted out as I slid two fingers inside her, deep stroking her sensitive spots while I massaged her clit with my thumb and stared into her eyes to watch her enjoy every minute of it. She just nodded and screamed "ohhh yeah!" As I picked up the pace making her body rock and her breasts shake. I felt her nails dig into my skin as I added another finger and went to work on her. We were both drunk so it was getting wild. She was lent back on her hands, head flung back, bouncing on my fingers which had my jaw dropping at how sexy she looked doing it.

"Mmm lie down" she cried out shooting me that seductive look she'd been giving me all night so I did as she asked. I liked a woman who took control and that's exactly what she did, straddled me with her pretty, wet pussy just above my lips, teasing me by lowering herself onto them then shooting straight back up as soon as She felt my tongue so I gripped her by her hips and dove right into her pussy, latching onto her clit with my tongue making her grip my head and slide back and forth so slowly while she slid her other hand between my thighs and against my pussy which had me moaning deep into hers. This was the first time I'd ever had a one night stand and I wasn't regretting a minute of it. I wanted her whole body in my mouth.

"Ohhh.. my god" I cried out as she slipped her fingers inside me and fucked me hard and fast making me mimic her pace with my tongue inside her while my fingers caressed her clit. I was high on sexual pleasure as she added another finger so I raised my hand and she sucked my fingers which had my body tingling even more then it was.

"Your so fucking wet" she whimpered, making her assume the 69 position, pin my legs behind her arms and kick me from my clit to my ass and back again. My eyes rolled over and over as she sucked the soul out of me along with finger fucking me. This made me devour her pussy like it was the last thing I was gonna eat, slurping, sucking, licking, tapping it made her moan out "don't stop" and "suck it just like that" which made me even more turned on then I was. I loved a woman who spoke to me through sex so she was ticking every box for me. Our bodies stuck together as we pleased each other more and more. I hadn't even thought of how long we'd been away from the club or if the girls were worried about us. I was solely focused on making her cum and squirt all over my face. I was nasty when I was drunk which meant now I was licking from her clit to her ass and back again too.

"Ride my pussy" she cried out so I buried my tongue inside her one last time, making her ride my face again then she climbed off me, held my legs apart and pressed her slippery pussy against mine. When I tell you the loudest moans left our mouths as she rid me like a jockey making me spring up so I could sloppy kiss her passionately. The sensation that shot through my body each time she circled her clit with mine had me screaming down the hotel until we both came hard. She continued to ride me slowly while she wrapped her arms around my neck and we shared another passionate kiss before we burst out laughing.

"What a great way to end my birthday" I laughed making her climb off me and lay next to me to catch her breath for a minute. She just laughed then said "happy birthday cutie" making me pull her face to mine to kiss her again. We were about to go for round two until my phone started ringing.

"Shit!" I said breaking the kiss then jumping up to grab it knowing it was Mimi. We'd been gone nearly two hours so I answered the phone to explain to her we were going to be there soon. They hadn't even noticed we'd gone which was a big relief so we decided to freshen up and head back to the club. The whole way there we walked either hand in hand or her under my arm, even when we got back inside the club and into the booth we were pretty much inseparable until it was home time and we had to part ways so I gave her my number and told her to phone me if she ever wanted to link up. We didn't even know each other's names but the sexual chemistry we had made non of that matter in the moment. She kissed me one last time then got into her taxi and drove away. The whole way home Mimi asked me what happened so I told her.
What a way to end my birthday!

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